例句 |
The crowd surged forward towards the police.人群向警察涌去。Crowds of people began making their way to the station.一群群人开始朝车站涌去。The crowd surged forward and the fence gave way.人群向前涌去,围栏被冲塌了。The movie ended, and there was a rush for the exits.电影散场了,人们向出口处涌去。Movie traffic flows towards that street.看电影的人流总是向那条街涌去。Everyone ganged toward the door.大家一齐向门口涌去。There was a stampede for the exit.大家都争先恐后地朝出口涌去。People stampeded to the exits.人们一窝蜂地朝出口涌去。As rural factories shed labour, people drift towards the cities.由于农村工厂遣散劳动力,人们便向城市涌去。 |