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词汇 aggressively
例句 He has an aggressively masculine approach to these questions.他处理这些问题的方法很男人。He continued to play aggressively, if a little streakily.他继续猛打猛攻,虽然有点儿不太稳定。He glared aggressively at me.他气势汹汹地瞪着我。All the women I interviewed were aggressively antagonistic to the idea.我采访过的所有女性都强烈反对这个想法。Banks will have to continue competing aggressively for what quality business is around.各家银行将不得不继续为可能争取到的任何优质业务展开激烈竞争。Mr. Menendez has aggressively pursued new business.梅嫩德斯先生积极开拓新业务。She has always invested conservatively/aggressively.她投资总是很保守/冒进。The driver of the truck leant out of the window and yelled at me aggressively.卡车司机探身出窗外,挑衅地冲着我叫骂。Senior managers are being aggressively recruited by companies.公司正在千方百计地招募高级管理者。These products are aggressively promoted and marketed.对这些产品进行了雄心勃勃的推销和市场工作。Nearly all the women I interviewed were aggressively antagonistic to the idea.几乎我采访过的所有女性都对这个观点表示了强烈的反感。We have to move with the times and market our products more aggressively.我们必须与时俱进,更积极地推销我们的产品。The protester was jabbing a finger aggressively at a policeman.那个示威者挑衅地用手指戳向一名警察。They'll react aggressively.他们会作出挑衅性的反应。These products are being aggressively marketed to teenagers through television ads.这些产品正通过电视广告向青少年大肆推销。The company is aggressively promoting their products.这家公司正在大力推销他们的产品。He behaved aggressively out of bravado.他摆出一副挑衅的架势,但只是虚张声势。The defense lawyers tried to bait him and get him to act aggressively.辩护律师企图让他恼火,使他做出侵犯性的行为。Both companies are aggressively expanding their business models in Europe.这两家公司在欧洲咄咄逼人地扩展他们的商业模式。She jutted her chin out aggressively as she glowered back at him.她挑衅地把下巴翘得高高的,对他还以愤怒的目光。Many farmers will then chase you off their land quite aggressively.然后很多农民会气势汹汹地把你从他们的土地上赶走。Advisers were urging the President to act much more aggressively.顾问们正在敦促总统采取更强硬的行动。Try to communicate assertively - not aggressively.跟人沟通时尽量自信些—而不是咄咄逼人。




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