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例句 People piled into the theater.人们涌入剧院。A strong current of nationalism runs through ideology and politics in the Arab world.一股强烈的民族主义思潮涌入阿拉伯世界的思想体系和政治体系。The soldiers and camp followers poured into the city.士兵和随军杂役一度涌入城市。Refugees poured into the country.难民迅速涌入该国。Thousands of people poured into the stadium for the game.成千上万的观众涌入体育场观看比赛。Seaside resorts such as Blackpool and Brighton are preparing for a tourist invasion.像布莱克浦与布赖顿这样的海滨胜地正为游客的大批涌入做准备。Large numbers of refugees continue to flow from the troubled region into the no-man's land.大批难民不断从骚乱地区涌入无人地带。In mid-March, the crowds begin to descend.三月中旬,人群开始大批涌入The stores were mobbed by/with customers.大量顾客涌入这些商店。There has been such a wholesale flux of gamblers to the place.已经有一大批这样的赌徒涌入这个地方。The flood water surged down the little street.洪水涌入狭窄的街道。Rural residents are streaming to the cities.农村人口正在源源不断涌入城市。People streamed into the hall.人群涌入礼堂。Customers mobbed the store on its first day of opening.商店开张的第一天顾客纷纷涌入购物。Thousands of people crammed into the stadium.成千上万的人涌入了体育场。The government wanted an inflow of foreign investment.政府希望看到外资涌入The snow melting on the mountains caused a run of water into the valley.山上的融雪使水涌入山谷。He taxed the Minister with allowing Japanese goods to flood the British market.他指责大臣放任日本商品涌入英国市场。Cheerful yesterdays crowded and made their way into his memory.欢乐的往昔涌入他的回忆。The economy was further burdened by a flood of refugees.难民大批涌入致使经济负担愈益加重。Imported food aid continued to flow in.国外的救济食物源源不断地涌入More and more people were flooding into the cities.越来越多的人涌入城市。Refugees flooded into the camp.难民们涌入营地。People mobbed pharmacies to buy antibiotics and tranquillizers.人们成群涌入药店购买抗生素和镇静剂。The inrush of fresh air filled the room.涌入的新鲜空气充满了房间。The influx of tourists has reached its summer peak.涌入的游客人数达到了夏日的最高峰。Crowds of people packed into the hall.人群涌入了大厅。Flooding was caused by water gushing into rivers from uplands.从山地奔流而下的水涌入河中引发了洪水。The sudden influx of families needing work and housing caused some problems at first.既需要工作又需要住房的家庭突然大量地涌入,在开始的时候造成了一定的困难。She joined the flow of immigrants to the country.她加入到涌入该国的移民大潮中。The surge of foreign investments stirs concern among some American businessmen.外国投资的涌入引起了某些美国商人的关注。Hundreds of thousands of people have crowded into the center of the Lithuanian capital, Vilnius.几十万人涌入立陶宛首都维尔纽斯的市中心。The audience packed into the foyer.观众涌入了大厅。Spectators swarmed into the stadium.观众成群地涌入体育场。Shoppers thronged the mall for the sales.顾客涌入商场抢购打折商品。The Pacific rollers swept in from the China Sea.来自太平洋的卷浪从中国海涌入Her fans pack into theaters to hear her sing.她的粉丝涌入剧场听她演唱。Hundreds of thousands of people poured out of Azerbaijan into Armenia.几十万人从阿塞拜疆迅速涌入亚美尼亚。Memories came flooding into my mind.回忆如潮水般涌入我的脑海。The homeless and the starving, refugees of the war, were flocking to the cities.无家可归者、饥民和战争难民一群群地涌入城市。




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