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词汇 eminence
例句 Many of the pilots were to achieve eminence in the aeronautical world.这些飞行员中很多人后来在航空界赫赫有名。Jimmie was a man of some local eminence.吉米在当地颇有名望。Many of his students have achieved eminence in their fields.他的许多学生都在各自的领域中出类拔萃。He built his home on an eminence overlooking the city.他把家建在山丘上,可以俯瞰这座城市。He is a statesman of great eminence.他是个声名显赫的政治家。Despite his intellectual eminence, he was quite unpretentious.尽管在知识界名声显赫,他为人却相当低调。She was the first woman to achieve political eminence in Ireland.她是爱尔兰第一位取得显赫政治地位的女性。Beveridge was a man of great eminence.贝弗里奇是个非常有名的人。Borusa had no wish to become president, instead preferring to operate as an eminence grise behind the scenes.博鲁萨不愿意当总裁,而是更喜欢做一个幕后操纵者。These experts, because of their eminence in their areas, have considerable input in policy decisions.这些专家由于在各自从事研究的领域里有卓越造诣,故而对政府的决策有相当的影响。




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