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Debra is a very enterprising young black businesswoman who is involved in a lot of activities.德布拉是个年青而又非常有胆识的黑人女商人,其涉猎广泛。Johnstone's research is admirably wide-ranging.约翰斯通的研究涉猎广泛,令人钦佩。He permits himself cautious sashays into such subjects as history, education and politics.他让自己谨慎地涉猎历史、教育、政治等学科。When he was younger he used to dabble in astronomy.他早年曾经涉猎过天文学。She works as an accountant but dabbles in poetry.她是个会计,但对诗歌也有所涉猎。Our contributors are actively engaging with tradition.我们的撰稿人在积极地涉猎传统问题。He dipped into medicine a few years ago.他在几年前曾涉猎过一阵医学。 |