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词汇 消耗
例句 The energy an animal uses is in direct relation to speed and body mass.动物消耗的能量与其速度和体重直接相关。They regard pensioners as a drain on resources.他们认为领取养老金的人消耗了大量的资源。The intense heat sapped her strength.酷暑消耗了她的体力。The state's finances have been drained by war.国家财力已经被战争消耗殆尽。Many of the housing agencies represent a severe drain on the state's finances.许多住房机构严重地消耗了国家的资金。His resources were rapidly wasting.他的财力正在很快消耗Both waste and repair are constantly going on in our bodies.消耗与补充两者在我们体内不断进行着。Scientists now link certain types of cancer to the amount of junk food that people consume.现在科学家们把某些类型的癌症和人们消耗的垃圾食品量联系起来。You can only lose weight by expending more calories than you take in.只有当消耗的卡路里比摄取的多时,你才能减肥。This heat has sucked every ounce of energy out of me.高温消耗了我体内的所有精力。The kids were running around, working off their surplus energy.孩子们到处乱跑,消耗着过剩的精力。The illness sapped him of his strength.疾病消耗了他的体力。Dancers burn up a lot of calories.舞蹈演员消耗大量的卡路里。Running is an excellent way to burn off excess calories.跑步是消耗多余热量的极好办法。The principal towns on the Hudson river would lay up ice for home consumption.哈得孙河上的主要城镇会储藏冰供国内消耗The contraceptive pill is the worst offender, but it is not the only drug to deplete the body's vitamin levels.避孕药的危害最大,但是它并不是唯一一种消耗体内维生素的药物。Meanwhile their energies were absorbed by the task of finding a place to live.与此同时,他们的精力消耗在寻找住处的任务中。The war has been a big drain on the country's resources.这场战争极大地消耗了国家的资源。They push themselves far too hard and overtax their strength.他们过于拼命,体力消耗严重。Exercise helps you burn off excess fat.运动有助于消耗多余的脂肪。Your body burns up more oxygen when you are active than when you are resting.身体在运动时比在静止时消耗更多氧气。They were travelling very slowly, and the heavy load they were carrying sapped their strength.他们一路走得非常慢,而且携带的东西太重,消耗了他们的气力。The kidney consumes oxygen at a high rate in order to produce energy.肾脏不停地消耗氧以产生能量。I decided to go for a run to try and burn off a few calories.我决定去跑跑步,消耗一点热量。Recycling the waste from our increased consumption is better than burning it.对我们增加消耗产生的垃圾进行回收要好过将其焚烧。To travel a long way would be too much of a tax on his strength.长途旅行要消耗他太多的体力。Activities such as logging and mining deplete our natural resources.伐木、采矿等活动大大消耗了我们的自然资源。Iron ore and coal pour into the maw of the steel mill.铁矿石与煤源源不断地运进钢铁厂这个消耗原材料的无底洞。Manual workers need a good breakfast for high-energy output.体力劳动者体能消耗巨大,早餐要丰盛一些。Ethiopia has the lowest oil consumption per capita in the world.埃塞俄比亚是世界上人均消耗汽油最少的国家。Decreased petrol mileage is largely a function of today's bigger engines.汽车每消耗一升汽油所行驶的里程数的减少在很大程度上是现在的汽车发动机排量更大的结果。His gambling was eating away at their income.他的赌博在逐渐消耗他们的收入。Calorie intake must fall short of energy output.卡路里摄取必须低于能量的消耗Campaigning swallows up a lot of time without guaranteeing success.宣传活动消耗了许多时间,能否成功并没有保障。It's a small car that doesn't use much fuel.这是一辆不需要消耗太多燃料的小汽车。All this waiting is taxing my patience. 这种等待正在消耗我的耐心。The drain on the party's finances will be substantial.该政党的财政消耗将是巨大的。Vigorous exercise increases oxygen consumption.剧烈运动增加氧的消耗You need to exercise more to burn off the calories.你需要多运动来消耗卡路里。The recession is eating away at their revenues.经济衰退正在消耗他们的财政收入。




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