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Having worked so hard to start the business, it would be heartbreaking to see it all collapse.这么辛苦创立的公司,眼巴巴地看着它倒闭,真叫人心痛啊。They live in heartbreaking poverty.他们生活贫困的程度令人心碎。This year we won't even be able to buy presents for our grandchildren. It's heartbreaking.今年我们甚至不能给孙子孙女们买礼物,真是让人心碎。It was heartbreaking to know that there was nothing I could do.得知我什么事也做不了,我很伤心。She wrote a heartbreaking story about the death of her grandfather.她写了一个关于她祖父过世的伤心故事。It's heartbreaking to lose a pet.丢失宠物是件让人伤心的事。It's a heartbreaking moment when a great sportsman finally decides that it's time to quit.一名伟大的运动员终于决定退出体坛,那真是令人极度伤心的时刻。The team suffered another heartbreaking defeat.球队再次失利,令人倍感失望。The decision to euthanase a pet is heartbreaking.对宠物施行安乐死的决定令人心碎。There is a heartbreaking news report about starving children.有一则关于饥饿儿童的令人心碎的新闻报导。 |