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词汇 消亡
例句 Without investment, home-grown industries are being allowed to wither on the vine.由于得不到投资,国内工业正在自行走向消亡The Russian peasantry stood on the brink of disappearance.俄罗斯的农民阶层已濒临消亡Without greater public support the arts will perish.没有更多人的支持,艺术就会消亡The temple ruins are a distant reminder of a vanished empire.神殿的废墟让人回想起一个消亡已久的帝国。Gaelic has been a dying language for many years, though children are nowadays taught it in school.盖尔语多年来一直濒于消亡,尽管如今孩子们还在学校学习这门语言。The question now is whether the railways will flourish or wither.现在的问题是,铁路会蓬勃发展还是会逐渐消亡He believes tape will eventually be eliminated as a recording medium.他认为磁带作为录音介质终究会消亡A man is deliberately designed to be mortal. He grows, he ages, and he dies.人注定终有一死:长大、衰老,然后消亡Mass extinctions of prehistoric animals are known to have occurred.我们知道发生过史前动物大规模消亡的情况。Civilizations do eventually decline and perish.各种文明最后都会衰落、消亡The Russian peasantry stood on the brink of disappearance.俄罗斯农民濒临消亡Many of their traditions and languages have disappeared.他们的传统和语言很多已经消亡The centuries-old ritual seems headed for extinction.延续了几个世纪的仪式似乎要面临消亡Their traditional way of life seems doomed to extinction.他们的传统生活方式似乎注定要消亡Some minority languages are dying out.一些少数民族语言正在消亡Most of the old traditions have died out with the passing of time.随着时间的推移大多数古老传统都已消亡Buddhism had to adapt to the new world or perish.佛教必须适应新的世界,否则就会消亡The old regime was defeated, and few people mourned its passing.旧政权被打垮,很少有人对其消亡感到痛惜。Coal mining is dying in this area.该地区的采煤业正在消亡Civilization is not to wither or petrify.文明不会消亡,不会僵死。But that doesn't mean this brand of politics is dead or dying.但那并不意味着这种政治主张已经或正在消亡




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