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词汇 海洋
例句 They were surrounded by a sea of boxes.他们被淹没在盒子的海洋里。He sailed the seven seas.他航行周游世界各大海洋An ocean is full of living things.海洋里充满了各种生物。O'er land and sea they sped.他们飞越陆地和海洋Before him lay the vast, endless ocean.他眼前是辽阔的海洋,一望无际。It appals me how we use the oceans, forests and skies as dumping grounds.我震惊地发现我们是如何将海洋、森林和天空当作我们的垃圾倾倒场。The sea looks calm and smooth.海洋看上去风平浪静。That part of town is a carnival on Friday and Saturday nights.周五和周六的晚上,镇上的这块地方是一片欢乐的海洋Precipitation in India often comes directly from the ocean.印度的降水常常直接来自海洋The eyes of many mesopelagic animals are especially large.许多海洋中层动物的眼睛特别大。A window opened in the fog and we could finally see the ocean.迷雾仿佛开了一扇窗,我们终于看到了海洋The ocean was boiling.海洋波涛汹涌。Two oil spills near Los Angeles have fouled the ocean.洛杉矶附近的两次漏油事故污染了海洋But seas between us braid hae roared.但我们之间隔着宽广的海洋As a marine biology researcher, he spent most of his time exploring the briny.作为一个海洋生物学的研究员,他一生中大半的时光都在控索海洋Marine biologists are calling for Cardigan Bay to be created a marine nature reserve to protect the dolphins.海洋生物学家号召将卡迪根湾建成一个海洋自然保护区,以保护那里的海豚。Efforts to expand the tourist industry could be negated by reports that the sea is highly polluted.有关海洋受到严重污染的报道可能会使拓展旅游业的努力完全白费。Sea farming is a case of semifarming.海洋养殖业是一种半养殖业。Oil was released into the sea.油泄漏到海洋里。A great stretch of ocean lay beneath them.他们下方是一大片辽阔的海洋Sea surface temperatures and atmospheric circulation are strongly coupled.海洋表面温度与大气的流动是密切相关的。The avenues lined with jacaranda trees burst into a carnival of purple.大街两旁种着蓝花楹,绽放的花朵汇成一片紫色的海洋Ocean fish live in a medium of salt water.海洋鱼类生活在咸水环境中。The sea was their heritage.海洋是留给他们的遗产。The seas store heat and release it gradually during cold periods.海洋储存热量,并在寒冷季节里慢慢地把它释放出来。Canals were dug to connect England's industrial cities with the sea.人们修筑运河把英格兰的工业城市和海洋连接起来。Plankton is at the bottom of the marine food chain.浮游生物处于海洋食物链的最底层。Maritime air of tropical origin stagnates over the islands.热带来的海洋气流滞留在海岛上空。I studied marine biology in college.我在大学里学习海洋生物学。In an urgent race against time, the Coast Guard and marine biologists struggled to rescue a whale that had beached itself on the shore.海岸警卫队和海洋生物学家争分夺秒,奋力营救一条搁浅在海岸上的鲸鱼。Ahead of us the green seemed like an ocean.我们前方的草地宛如一片海洋We sailed down the Yellow River towards the open sea.我们沿着黄河向广阔的海洋顺流航行。Although some marine mammals are protected by environmental laws, many remain unprotected.尽管有一些海洋哺乳动物受到了环境法的保护,但还有很多不在其中。Scientists traditionally divide the oceans into zones.科学家传统上都把海洋划分成区。Various toxic substances have been dumped in the ocean.多种有毒物质被倾倒进海洋The oil spill has killed off billions of microscopic sea plants, thus threatening marine life further up the food chain.溢油使无数微小的海洋植物大量死亡,从而对食物链中上层的海洋生命构成了威胁。The Earth's oceans are continually heated by the sun.地球上的海洋受到太阳持续的加温。He had never seen the ocean before.他以前从未见过海洋Many organisms that die in the sea are soon buried by sediment.海洋里死亡的许多生物会很快被沉淀物掩埋。The blue sea was flecked with whitecaps.朵朵白浪点缀着蓝色的海洋




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