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词汇 浓烈
例句 This drink is too strong: it's all alcohol!这饮料太浓烈了,简直就是酒!I left the restaurant with rather a strong taste of onions in my mouth.我离开饭店时嘴里有股浓烈的洋葱味。She could smell the salty tang of the sea.她能闻到海水浓烈的咸味。There was an overpowering smell of burning rubber.有一股浓烈的橡胶烧焦的气味。The room was redolent with the smell of liquor.房间里有浓烈的酒气。He walked in reeking powerfully of alcohol.他带着一身浓烈的酒气走进来。Thai food is hot and spicy.泰国菜味道辛辣浓烈The first game was an appetizer to a great football season.首场比赛激起人们对橄榄球大赛季浓烈的兴趣。I detected a strong taste of ginger in the sauce.我发现酱汁中有浓烈的姜味。There was a distinct smell of burning coming from downstairs.楼下飘来浓烈的焦糊味。The latest designer perfume has sharp citrus notes and great depth provided by ambergris and balsam.这款最新的设计师品牌香水有浓烈的柑橘味道,还有醇厚的龙涎香和香树脂味。As she went past there was a gust of strong perfume.她走过时有一股浓烈的香水味。He poured himself a stiff whisky.他给自己倒了一杯浓烈的威士忌。The crab left too much of a fishy aftertaste.这种蟹吃后留下浓烈的鱼腥味。The wine leaves a strong aftertaste.这种葡萄酒饮后会留下浓烈的余香。The heady aroma of wood fires emanated from the stove.炉子里散发出木柴燃烧时的浓烈香味。The tang of some wild herb hung in the air.空气中散发着浓烈的野生草药的气味。The lemon juice gives the dressing its sharp flavour.这种柠檬汁给调料添了浓烈的味道。She smelled strongly of carbolic soap.她身上有股浓烈的石炭酸皂的味道。Caroline caught the heady waft of the other woman's perfume.卡罗琳闻到了另一个女人身上散发出的浓烈的香水味。The colour palette, though brave, was jarring, simply too hot for comfort.调色板虽然五颜六色,但是色彩太浓烈、不够协调,看着不舒服。




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