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词汇 conclusions
例句 From the evidence given, several conclusions follow. = Several conclusions follow from the evidence given. 根据所给证据可以得出几种结论。Her conclusions follow naturally from the theory.她依据那个理论自然地得出这些结论。He says he cannot yet draw any conclusions about the murders.他说他还不能对几起谋杀下结论。I agree with several points of her argument, while rejecting her conclusions.我同意她的某些论点,但不同意她的结论。I'm not interested in the minutiae of the research, just its conclusions.我对这项研究的细枝末节不感兴趣,只要结论。The executive's meeting had finished and Sir Marcus had reported its conclusions to the prime minister via Richard Ryder.领导层会议已经结束,马库斯爵士已通过理查德·赖德把会议结论报告给了首相。It's too early to draw any conclusions.现在下结论还为时过早。The research suggests that the drug will be successful, in so far as one can draw conclusions from such a small sample size.就目前从这么小的样品数量所得出的结论来看,此项研究表明这种药是会成功的。His conclusions are not dissimilar to those of Montagu.他的结论与蒙塔古的并无二致。They have arrived at some erroneous conclusions.他们得出了一些错误的结论。It's my duty to tell you everything and let you draw your own conclusions.我的责任是把一切都告诉你,让你自己作出结论。Readers are invited to draw their own conclusions from the report.这一报道鼓励读者从中得出自己的结论。Her objections/conclusions were completely valid.她的反对/结论完全是合理的。Her conclusions are pretty dubious, if you ask me. 在我看来她的结论很不可靠。John Nelson has been re-examining the evidence, and his conclusions are greatly at odds with the story so far.约翰·纳尔逊重新研究了证据,他得出的结论与迄今为止的说法大不相符。The two studies arrive at very different conclusions.两项研究得出大不相同的结果。Is it possible to draw conclusions from this evidence?是否可能依据这个证据得出结论?People will no doubt draw their own conclusions.毫无疑问,人们会得出自己的结论。Don't jump to conclusions! Perhaps it was his daughter he was dancing with.别过早下结论!也许和他跳舞的是他女儿。Our conclusions are always open to revision in the light of fresh evidence.我们的结论可以根据新的证据随时修改。Don't go jumping to conclusions before you know the facts.了解事实之前,不要匆匆下结论。The research does not support these conclusions.该研究并不支持这些结论。It is difficult to draw any firm conclusions at such an early stage.在这么早的阶段很难得出确定的结论。The conclusions described in the text follow from this equation.文中描述的结论是从这个等式推导出来的。They drew different conclusions from the facts.他们从这些事实中引出了不同的结论。The discussion is very summary, and hence forbids conclusions ex silentio.讨论武断仓促,因此不容许在无反证的情况下作出结论。Several key conclusions solidified in my mind.几个关键性的结论在我脑中确定了下来。The conclusions of the survey are questionable because the research was based on a very small sample of people.这次调查的结论有问题,因为取样的人数太少。The report aims to clarify how these conclusions were reached.那份报告旨在阐明这些结论是如何得出的。They have signposted their conclusions in the report.他们已在报告中清楚地表明了自己的结论。The President's Economic Report set an official seal on conclusions long suspected by many economists.总统的经济报告把许多经济学家长期有疑问的结论正式肯定了下来。His conclusions are just plain wrong.他的结论完全是错误的。The two scientists had the same information but reached opposite conclusions.两位科学家掌握相同的信息,却得出了相反的结论。Don't jump to conclusions! Just because he's late doesn't mean he's had an accident.不要随便下结论!他迟到了并不等于他就有意外了。We have reached these conclusions after months of careful observation and experiment.经过数月的仔细观察和实验,我们得出这些结论。From actors' facial expressions and the way they emote, we can draw conclusions about their characters' states of mind.通过演员的面部表情以及他们强烈表现情感的方式,我们可以得知他们扮演角色的内心状态。He based his conclusions on the evidence.他基于该证据得出结论。His conclusions are not supported by data; they are based only on anecdotal evidence. 他的结论缺乏数据支持,只是依据一些传闻。Nobody could quarrel with the report's conclusions.报告的结论无可辩驳。These are the report's main conclusions.这些就是这篇报告的主要结论。




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