例句 |
It is difficult to separate actions that terrorize a population from those that dehumanize and humiliate it.对人们实行的恐怖统治就是一种令他们人性泯灭并对其加以羞辱的行为,二者很难区分开。She was horrified at the dehumanization involved in much of the imagery.这些意象在很大程度上表现出的人性泯灭让她深感惊骇。His ambition slowly petered out in face of opposition.在一片反对声中他的雄心逐渐泯灭。He doesn't seem to have a conscience. 他似乎已经良心泯灭。She was horrified at the dehumanisation involved in much of the imagery.这些意象在很大程度上表现出的人性泯灭让她深感惊骇。 |