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词汇 委派
例句 Inspectors were appointed to inquire into the affairs of the company.督查员受委派调查该公司的事务。We will send round one of our authorized representatives to discuss the purchase with you.我们会委派一名有我们授权的代表和你洽谈购货事宜。Officials have now been delegated to start work on a draft settlement.现在已经委派官员着手起草解决方案。The society decided on a lecture series and appointed a committee to determine the speakers, the dates, etc.学会决定举办系列讲座,并委派一个委员会具体择定讲员、日期等。You should have known that he would blunder his assignment.你本该知道他会把委派给他的工作搞得一团糟的。The Prime Minister appointed her to the post of ambassador.首相委派她担任大使。The court ordered the appointment of an attorney to represent the child.法院下令委派一名律师为这个孩子辩护。I've been deputized as the officer in charge of all recruitment and training of the People's Volunteer Army.我受委派负责人民志愿军招募和训练的一切相关事宜。A sub-committee was deputed to investigate the claims.一个委员会专门小组受委派调查这些说法。A young lawyer was appointed to represent the accused man.一位年轻律师受委派为被告人辩护。A committee was appointed to consider changes to the Prison Service.委派了一个委员会负责考虑对监狱部门进行改革。She delegated the job to one of her minions.她把工作委派给了一个手下。He was a political appointee, not an elected official.他是政府委派的,不是民选的官员。The plan called for the deputation of US military and National Guard units so that they could legally be used for domestic law enforcement.该方案呼吁委派美国军队和国民警卫队以使其可合法地于国内执法。New managers often find it difficult to delegate.新上任的经理经常觉得委派人做事很难。The defendant will be represented by a court-appointed attorney. 被告的辩护律师将由法院委派We're going to deputize you, so you can run a little investigation for us.我们将委派你为代表,这样你可以为我们进行一项小调查。The governor appointed a committee to probe the causes of the strike.州长委派一个委员会去彻底调查罢工的起因。The commission appointed a special investigator to conduct its own inquiry.委员会委派了一个特别调查员自行调查。He was deputized as sheriff for several months.他受委派代理了几个月的县司法行政官。The assistant district attorney was assigned to prosecute the case.地区助理检察官获委派对案件提起公诉。The Bishop delegated me to approach the local press.主教委派我去和当地媒体接触。He delegated his secretary to show me the city.委派秘书陪我参观这个城市。We have delegated Bill to attend the meeting.我们已委派比尔参加会议。Routine tasks are often delegated to inexperienced young doctors.例行工作经常委派缺乏经验的年轻医生去做。They appointed the youngest-ever ambassador to Washington.他们委派了一名迄今为止最年轻的大使去华盛顿。An executive officer was appointed to supervise the arrangements.一名行政官员受委派监督这些安排。




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