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词汇 泛滥
例句 Street crime in London is reaching epidemic proportions.伦敦的街头犯罪正日益泛滥The world's most prestigious insurance company was last night squaring up to take on MPs who have accused it of being riddled with corruption.世界上最负盛名的保险公司昨晚作出回应,要和那些指责其腐败泛滥的议员们较量一番。In some cities, drug taking has reached epidemic proportions.在一些城市,吸毒已经达到泛滥的程度。There are now fears that the river could flood.现在人们担心河水会泛滥Rampant inflation means that our wage increases soon become worth nothing.通货膨胀大肆泛滥,这意味着我们增长的工资很快就一钱不值了。Four people were killed when a train plunged into a flooded river.火车冲进泛滥的河中,四人身亡。There are a lot of drugs out there. Which brings me to my second point.那里毒品泛滥,这就引出了我要说的第二点。The spillover of crime into the suburban community has created apprehension.犯罪浪潮泛滥到城郊社区的事实已引起人们的忧虑。The rivers are close to flooding.那些河流几近泛滥The market is awash with shoddy products at the moment.目前市场上劣质产品泛滥The flooding river washed out the bridge.泛滥的河水把那座桥冲垮了。The violence has now reached epidemic proportions.暴力现已到了泛滥的程度。Three major rivers have already flooded, and two more are on red alert.三条大河已经泛滥,还有两条已到了红色警戒水位。Because of heavy rain, the river may overflow its banks.因为下大雨,河水可能会泛滥,漫过河岸。The flooded river was subsiding rapidly.泛滥的河水退得很快。Drug experts say it could spell the end of the crack epidemic.禁毒专家说它可能会结束强效可卡因吸食泛滥的局面。Ganley said he'd seen no evidence of widespread fraud.甘利说他没有看见诈骗泛滥的证据。Their neighbourhood is being inundated by the rising waters of the Colorado River.他们的居住区正在被科罗拉多河泛滥的河水淹没。The river has not flooded yet, but that does not mean the danger has passed.河水尚未泛滥,但这不等于说危险已经过去了。One way of preventing further flooding would be to deepen the river bed.防止洪水再次泛滥的一个办法是深挖河床。Every spring the river overflows.每到春天河水就泛滥The black market in prescription drugs is thriving.买卖处方药的黑市交易正在泛滥The overflow from the river flooded the field.泛滥的河水淹没了田地。After the rain, the rivers inundated the fields.雨后,泛滥的河水淹没了农田。The spread of legal aid funding has led to the corruption of medical research.法律援助资金的泛滥导致医学研究水平的下降。There's been too much sloganeering in this year's mayoral race.今年的市长竞选中口号泛滥In societies where corruption is endemic, decision-making is slowed as more politicians and officials have to be paid off.在腐败泛滥的社会中,由于要花钱打点更多的政客和官员,决策的制定会被拖慢。It's a violent city, with murders occurring on a regular basis.这是个暴力泛滥的城市,经常发生谋杀案。Parts of the harbour wall collapsed, causing serious flooding in the town.港口岸壁有些地方倒塌,造成镇上洪水严重泛滥He set out to fight the drug infestation of Omaha by reclaiming a youth from the local gangs.他从挽救当地帮派的一个年轻人入手着力消除奥马哈的毒品泛滥问题。The river often floods during the thaw.这条河常在冰融期泛滥There is evidence of rampant corruption in the local government.有证据表明当地政府腐败泛滥Rivers are liable to overflow at this time of the year.每年的这个时候河流都容易泛滥The creek overflows every spring.每年春天小河都会泛滥Christmas usually brings out the absolute worst in sentimental platitudes.圣诞节通常是表达情感的陈词滥调最泛滥的时候。




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