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Rioters firebombed the courthouse.暴徒用燃烧弹点燃了法院大楼。The company won a multi-million-dollar contract to build a new courthouse. = The company was awarded a multi-million-dollar contract to build a new courthouse.这家公司获得了承建新法院大楼数百万美元的合同。Police surrounded the courthouse.警察围在法院大楼四周。An angry mob gathered outside the courthouse.一群怒气冲冲的人聚集在法院大楼外面。The group marched nonviolently to the courthouse to protest the decision.那个组织举行和平示威,游行至法院大楼反对这项决议。Some demonstrators chained themselves to railings inside the court building.有些示威者用链子把自己锁在法院大楼里的栏杆上。A large crowd of demonstrators massed outside the courthouse.大批游行示威者聚集在法院大楼外面。 |