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Teachers were reminded that school attendance registers were actually legal documents.有人提醒教师,学校的点名册实际上就是法律文件。There is a lack of clarity in many legal documents.许多法律文件不够清楚易懂。The last paragraph of the contract was legal boilerplate. 合同的最后一段是法律文件模板。A will is a legal document that is used in the disposition of property.遗嘱是用来处置财产的法律文件。A will is a legal document that is used to dispose of property.遗嘱是用来处置财产的法律文件。I received the packet of legal papers today.今天我收到了那包法律文件。The lawyer drew up a legal paper discharging him from all obligations.律师拟定了一份法律文件,免除他所有的债务款项。She was carrying a heavy load of legal documents in her briefcase.她的公文包里装着很重的法律文件。 |