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词汇 泄露
例句 In an unguarded moment, he gave away most important secrets.他一不留神泄露了非常重要的秘密。He abused my confidence by letting this secret be known.泄露了这个秘密,辜负了我的信任。Please don't let my secret out. 请不要泄露我的秘密。A man was charged today with leaking official secrets.今天一名男子被指控泄露官方机密。A mole inside the Department had leaked secret proposals to the press.该部门的一名内部人士向媒体泄露了秘密计划。Staff were interviewed to find out who leaked the story.全体人员都被叫去问话以查出泄露内情的人。He inadvertently let slip the name of their new product.他无意中泄露了他们新产品的名称。The Security Service is unlikely to disclose any information.保安部门不可能泄露任何资料。Tales of this kind leak out from time to time.这一类传闻不时被泄露出来。She accused him of betraying a confidence. 她指责他泄露了她的秘密。Someone in the administration leaked the identity of an undercover CIA agent.政府中有人泄露了一名中情局秘密特工的身份。If anyone gets careless, the secret code may be compromised.要是哪个不当心,密码会泄露的。Lynn gave the game away by laughing when Kim walked in.林恩在金走进来的时候笑了出来,泄露了秘密。The employees were fired for divulging trade secrets to a competitor.这些雇员因向竞争对手泄露商业机密而被解雇。She pursed her lips together, as though fearing to betray her news.她紧闭双唇,好像害怕泄露她的消息。Companies are under strict prohibitions about divulging confidential information.严格禁止各公司泄露机密信息。The examiners have given away the answer.考官们泄露了答案。They felt like they were giving away company secrets.他们觉得自己正在泄露公司的机密。She let slip a few nuggets of information about herself.泄露了几条与自身相关的重要信息。So the news has leaked out already, has it?这么说消息已经泄露了,是吗?Although she was annoyed that Ian had given her secret away, she decided not to make an issue of it.伊恩泄露了她的秘密,她虽然很恼火,但还是决定不把事情闹大。It's not considered good practice to reveal clients'names.泄露客户姓名被认为是不好的做法。I promised never to reveal his secret.我答应决不泄露他的秘密。A secret report incriminating the company was leaked last week.一份显示这家公司有罪的秘密报告上星期泄露了出来。It's a breach of confidentiality for a priest to reveal what someone has said in the confessional.神父把一个人告解时说的事情泄露出来是违反保密原则的。Someone was leaking confidential information to the press.有人向新闻界泄露了机密情报。If captured, they might give away vital military secrets.一旦被俘,他们有可能泄露重要军事机密。How a man shaves may be a telling clue to his age.男人刮胡子的方式也许能泄露其年龄。Suppose, hypothetically, that you were offered a large sum of money in exchange for revealing company secrets. Would you accept the offer?设想,假如有人给你一大笔钱让你泄露公司的秘密,你会接受吗?Revealing confidential information to a rival company could land you in serious trouble with your boss.向竞争对手泄露公司秘密的话,你的老板不会轻饶了你。He revealed who leaked a confidential police report.他说出了泄露警方机密报告内容的人。The secret has been divulged to no one.机密没有向任何人泄露过。He let the cat out of the bag by revealing the Federal Government's real industrial agenda.他无意中说出了联邦政府真实的工业计划,泄露了秘密。How did the secret get out?秘密是怎么泄露的?The story was leaked by an unnamed ministry spokesman.内情是未透露姓名的某部发言人泄露出来的。The cracked pipe leaked fumes into the room.那条破裂的管子使烟气泄露到房间里。The cleanup costs of the oil spill will be in the millions of dollars.清理泄露石油将花费数百万美元。He got the boot for talking to the press about company secrets.他因向媒体泄露公司机密而被解雇。A scientist has been arrested for revealing state secrets concerning chemical weapons.一名科学家因为泄露涉及化学武器的国家机密而被捕。He breached confidentiality by releasing information on weapons tests.他发布武器试验的信息,泄露了机密。




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