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词汇 沿街
例句 Leaves scuttled along the streets in the cold wind.寒风把树叶吹得沿街乱飞。The old taxi rattled down the street.破旧的出租汽车喀嚓喀嚓沿街驶去。He set off down the street in pursuit of the dog.他动身沿街追赶那条狗。They danced wildly down the street.他们沿街疯狂地跳舞。I hopped in the car and headed down the street.我跳上汽车,沿街驶去。I have a thing about strolling along the street.我就喜欢沿街散步。 Long legs are scissoring down the street.两条长腿像一开一合的剪刀似地沿街走去。They strolled along/down/across the street looking in the store windows.他们一边沿街漫步/在街上漫步/漫步过街,一边朝商店的橱窗里看。We walked up the street to meet them.我们沿街走过去接他们。It's illegal for unmarked minicabs to ply for hire.无标志的电话预订出租车沿街拉客是非法的。The drunk man came reeling up the street.那醉汉跌跌撞撞地沿街走去。She cycled up the street and turned into Long Road.沿街向前骑去,拐进了朗路。The procession made its way through the streets.游行队伍沿街而行。Further down the street, tall office buildings give place to rows of tidy houses.沿街下去,高大的办公楼被一排排整齐的房子所取代。The fire engine clanged down the street.救火车当当地沿街开过。He walked down the street, then turned the corner.沿街直走,然后在街角处拐弯。A shrill cry careened down the street.沿街突然传来一声尖叫。He was arrested for kerb crawling.他因驾车沿街招妓而遭逮捕。Police in riot helmets lined the streets.戴着防暴头盔的警察站在沿街两边。They walked a few blocks down the street.他们沿街向南走过几个路口。The team trumpeted their victory through the streets.球队沿街大声宣告他们的胜利。The old truck rattled down the street.旧卡车咣当咣当地沿街驶去。The windows along 5th Avenue were all decorated for Christmas.第五大道沿街的橱窗全部装饰一新迎接圣诞节。At the start of the movie, the camera tracks along the street to the house's front door.在电影的开头,摄影机沿街一直拍到这座房子的大门。Shops line the street. = The street is lined with shops. 沿街的店铺鳞次栉比。A car was speeding down/up the street.一辆车沿街快速行驶。The old woman walked along the street muttering imprecations.老妇人沿街走着,嘴里咕哝着骂人的话。He said he was going for a walk around the block to clear his head.他说要沿街区散步,让头脑清醒一下。The fruit seller trundled his cart along the street.卖水果的商贩沉重地推著车子沿街走去。All manner of street sellers were plying their trade.形形色色的沿街小贩都在做着自己的买卖。He stuffed the newspapers into a litter bin and headed down the street.他把报纸塞进了垃圾箱,然后沿街往前走了。The car was barreling down the street at a crazy speed.这辆车疯了一般沿街疾驶。The wind bowled his hat down the street.风吹得他的帽子沿街滚去。The police car cruised up/down the street.警车沿街巡行。The girl flipped merrily down the street.女孩欢快地一蹦一跳沿街走去。Crowds marched through the streets carrying burning effigies of the president.示威群众挑着燃烧的总统画像沿街游行。People pulled carts of fruits and vegetables along the streets.人们沿街拉着装有水果和蔬菜的小推车。A Scottish battalion was marching down the street.苏格兰军队的一个营正沿街行进。The drunk man reeled down the street.那醉汉跌跌撞撞沿街走去。The taxi stopped midway down the street.出租车沿街驶了一半路程停了下来。




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