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词汇 沿着走廊
例句 This little room was along a passage and down some steps.这个小房间在沿着走廊再下几级台阶的地方。He moved along the corridor towards the locked door at the end.沿着走廊,朝走廊尽头上了锁的那扇门走去。We groped our way along the dark passage.我们摸黑沿着走廊向前走。They manhandled the old man along the corridor.他们沿着走廊把老人拖走。We went flip-flop down the corridor.我们沿着走廊噼里啪啦地走着。The flames were creeping along the corridor behind him.火苗在他身后沿着走廊蔓延开来。We padded our way along a corridor.我们沿着走廊往前走。Go along the corridor and through the double doors.沿着走廊一直走,穿过双层门。Anne left Artie and walked down the corridor towards the foyer.安妮离开阿蒂,沿着走廊朝休息室走去。They gamboled down the passageway.他们沿着走廊蹦蹦跳跳地走过来。My mate dived headfirst through a window and I ran down the hallway.我的同伴从窗口一头扎了下去,而我则沿着走廊跑。We watched them process down the aisle.我们看着他们沿着走廊慢慢地走了过去。Sheila flew along the corridor to the control room.希拉沿着走廊朝控制室飞奔过去。He crept stealthily along the corridor.沿着走廊蹑手蹑脚地走。He waddled down the hallway.他步履蹒跚地沿着走廊走去。She hurried down the corridor.沿着走廊匆匆而去。We walked side by side down the hallway.我们并排沿着走廊走去。She walked ahead of him along the corridor.沿着走廊走在他前面。




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