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It's best to keep to the paths.最好沿着小路走。The cat padded silently along the track.猫沿着小路悄然无声地行走。The tractor came up the track in a cloud of dust.拖拉机卷着一团尘土沿着小路开了过来。Our guide conducted us along the path.导游领着我们沿着小路走。The children can ride their tricycles up the path.孩子们可以沿着小路骑三轮自行车。Armed with maps, we leave the camp and string out along the trail.我们带着地图离开营地,沿着小路排成一队行进。Her footsteps died away as she walked down the path.她沿着小路一直走,脚步声渐行渐远。A tall dark figure was striding up the path.一个高大的黑影正大步沿着小路向远处走去。He came striding up the path.他沿着小路大步流星地走了过来。Richard was coming up the pathway.理查德正沿着小路走来。Go through the gate and continue down the track.穿过大门,沿着小路继续走下去。Sometimes they just drive slowly down the lane enjoying the scenery.有时他们只是沿着小路慢慢地开车,欣赏两旁的风景。They walked hand in hand in silence up the path.他们手拉手,默默地沿着小路走去。Stick to the paths, and make sure you keep your distance from nesting birds.沿着小路走,而且要远离筑巢的鸟儿。Scouts strung lanterns along the trail.童子军沿着小路挂灯笼。They tracked the jungle.他们沿着小路穿过丛林。Follow the lane to the river.沿着小路走到河边。We had to trudge up the track back to the station.我们不得不沿着小路艰难地走回车站。Jane followed the footpath through the forest.简沿着小路穿过森林。The children ran along the path.孩子们沿着小路奔跑。The dog came lolloping up the path.这条狗一蹦一跳地沿着小路跑来。She walked along the path, keeping well away from the edge of the cliff.她沿着小路走,远远地离开悬崖的边缘。I saw them making their way, hand in hand, down the path.我看到他们手拉手沿着小路往前走去。She went tripping along the path.她沿着小路轻快地走。The children went skipping along the path.孩子们蹦蹦跳跳地沿着小路走。She came up the path with two little dogs at her heels.她沿着小路走来,两只小狗紧随其后。 |