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词汇 沮丧
例句 My heart sank because I thought he was going to dump me for another girl.我的心情一下子很沮丧,以为他要为了另一个女孩和我分手。Cathy felt blue all day.凯西整天沮丧著。He looked crestfallen at their decision.听了他们的决定他满脸沮丧When things go wrong, all of us naturally feel disappointed and frustrated.出问题时,我们大家自然都感到失望和沮丧It disheartened all of us that she had been dismissed.她被解雇了,这使我们大家都很沮丧She grew more and more melancholy and pale and dejected.她变得越来越忧郁、苍白和沮丧了。The prospect of giving a dinner party for my boyfriend's snobbish parents filled me with gloom.想到要为男友势利的父母举办晚宴我就心情沮丧He was understandably dejected after losing in the first round to an unseeded American.他第一轮就输给了一位美国的非种子选手,沮丧之情可想而知。Try not to get depressed - after all, what's the use of worrying?不要沮丧——话说回来,担心又有什么用呢?I could sense her confusion and frustration.我能感觉到她的困惑与沮丧Don't let feelings of depression swamp you.不要被沮丧的情绪击垮。Rudolph felt depressed and miserable.鲁道夫觉得既沮丧又痛苦。I feel despondent when my work is rejected.作品被拒后我感到很沮丧He prodded me out of a prolonged mood of depression.他激励我从长期的沮丧情绪中解脱出来。She was feeling down.她感觉很沮丧We were very downhearted about the poor results of our plans.我们对我们这些计划的糟糕结果感到万分沮丧After his wife died, he descended into a deep depression.妻子死后,他深深地陷入了沮丧I was crying out of frustration.我因愤懑沮丧而大声喊叫。If you tend to overeat because of depression, first take steps to recognize the source of your sadness.如果你常常因为沮丧而暴饮暴食,首先应该设法找到悲伤的原因。Robyn walked away from the hospital with a feeling of despondency.罗宾怀着沮丧的心情离开医院。The chaos in his house was starting to get him down.他家里凌乱不堪,这开始使他沮丧It's depressing that people are so prejudiced.人们都如此地心怀成见,这让人很沮丧My spirits fell at the news of the disaster.我听到发生灾祸的消息时精神大为沮丧Following a heavy defeat, the players trudged disconsolately back to the showers.遭遇重大失败后,运动员们拖着沮丧的脚步走回淋浴室。We need to rise above our anger/frustration and find a way to get along with each other.我们需要摆脱愤怒/沮丧情绪,找到一个彼此和睦相处的方法。The King, however dispirited, ploughs on.国王虽说沮丧,但仍一往无前。Warm winds make many people feel enervated and depressed.暖风让很多人觉得乏力沮丧The weather was really getting her down.这天气确实让她变得很沮丧Thou shalt never feel deject in spirits.汝永远也不要精神沮丧Anne dismissed these gloomy thoughts from her mind.安抛开了心里这些沮丧的念头。His handsome countenance was overcast.他那英俊的面容阴沉沮丧Brazilians look gloomily forward to a New Year that even the president admits will be grey and cheerless.展望新年,巴西人心情沮丧,甚至连总统都承认明年困难重重,不容乐观。It makes me depressed just looking at him.只要看看他,我就沮丧起来。The conflict between their families disheartened them.两个家庭之间的冲突让他们感到很沮丧Jan's depression seemed to be lifting at last.简的沮丧情绪看来终于要烟消云散了。Dismay, disbelief, frustration chased across his features.他的脸上掠过沮丧、怀疑、受挫的神情。Stop being so depressed. You have a lot going for you.别这么沮丧,你有很多有利条件。The papers are filled with stories of gloom and doom. 报纸上充满了悲观沮丧的报道。His face was ludicrous in its dismay.他那沮丧的神色看上去很滑稽。The loss of the first game did not discourage them.第一场比赛的失败并没有令他们沮丧




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