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词汇 没见到
例句 We didn't see you at church this morning.今天早上我们做礼拜时没见到你。I saw her parents at the wedding, but I didn't see his.我在婚礼上见到了她的父母,但没见到他的父母。They never saw their native land again.他们再也没见到自己的故土。It's been two or three years since I've seen her.我已经有两三年没见到她了。We didn't see anyone all day, apart from a couple of kids on the beach.除了海滩上的几个小孩,我们都没见到什么人。I haven't seen hide nor hair of him for a week.我有一个星期没见到他的影子了。I hadn't seen John for ages, but he was still just the same.我已多年没见到约翰了,可他还是老样子。I haven't seen them since that memorable evening when the boat capsized.自从发生翻船事故的那个令人难忘的夜晚以后,我再没见到过他们。I haven't seen him for months.我好长时间没见到他了。I haven't seen him for weeks.我已经几个星期没见到他了。I hadn't seen her for five years and I was amazed at how tall she was.我有五年没见到她,她长得这么高让我很惊讶。We hadn't seen her for many years and were shocked by her frailty.我们有许多年没见到她了,她那么瘦弱,让我们感到惊愕。I haven't seen him for quite a while.我已经有一阵子没见到他了。It's been about five years since I've seen Linda.我有大概五年没见到琳达了。Sam! I haven't seen you in a while – how are you doing?萨姆!有一阵子没见到你了,你好吗?She left a message for her boss, but it didn't reach him.她给老板留了个便条,但老板没见到I didn't see her for another five years, and in the meantime she had got married and had a couple of kids.我又有五年没见到她,在此期间她结了婚并生了几个孩子。He hasn't seen hide or hair of his son since he went off to college.自从儿子上了大学,他就再也没见到他。I haven't seen her since the beginning of last year.自去年初我就没见到过她。Do you think Lukas is avoiding me? I haven't seen him all day.你认为卢卡斯是不是在躲着我啊?我一整天都没见到他。He says he was there all the time, but I swear I never saw him.他说他一直在那儿,但我发誓我根本没见到他。We haven't seen her of late.我们最近没见到过她。I haven't seen my uncle for/in years.我很长时间没见到我舅舅了。They have not seen him of late. 他们最近没见到他。I haven't seen hide or hair of them for 20 years at least.我至少有二十年没见到他们了。




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