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词汇 没有结果
例句 Talks between the two sides yielded no results.双方的会谈没有结果Nothing emerged from the bilateral talks.双边会谈没有结果Our discreet enquiries availed us nothing.我们小心谨慎地打听,但没有结果All his investigations have drawn a blank so far.他所有的调查迄今为止都没有结果If that job application doesn't work out I've got a couple more irons in the fire.如果那份求职申请没有结果,我还有另外几个选择。All their efforts were largely unsuccessful.他们的一切努力大多没有结果The past two elections were inconclusive.之前的两次选举都没有结果They waited in vain for a response.他们等待答复,但没有结果My sister, Jess, was in a dead-end relationship from which she could see no escape.我姐姐杰丝陷入一段没有结果的感情,无法逃避。We are growing impatient with the lack of results.没有结果让我们都急躁起来。The blossoms were abundant, but they failed to set.花开得很盛,但没有结果One of the ways people experience loss is when relationships don't work out.人们会感受到种种失落感,恋情没有结果时的失落感便是其中之一。After months of waiting for something to happen, he decided to take matters into his own hands.等了几个月都没有结果之后,他决定亲自出马。A coalition government was formed after inconclusive elections.选举没有结果,于是成立了一个联合政府。I phoned the pub, but no joy. The landlord didn't know where she was.我给酒吧打了电话,但没有结果。 老板不知道她在哪里。The mayoral race is still wide open. 市长竞选仍没有结果




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