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词汇 没有经验
例句 Inexperience can work against someone looking for a job.没有经验可能对求职者不利。We were a pretty inexperienced bunch of people really.我们事实上是一些相当没有经验的人。We must make allowances for his youth and inexperience.我们应当体谅他年轻,没有经验Combat attrition was taking a steep toll, and to send green replacements into the skies was fruitless.战斗消耗使伤亡激增,把没有经验的新兵飞行员送上天空又完全于事无补。They were transformed from raw recruits into trained soldiers.他们从没有经验的新兵转变成了训练有素的老兵。Carlson showed extraordinary enterprise for such an inexperienced manager.作为一位没有经验的经理,卡尔森表现出了非同一般的开拓精神。He came in second in the race. That's not too shabby for an inexperienced runner. 他在赛跑比赛中获得第二名。这对一个没有经验的运动员来说已经很不错了。At present the organization has to rely on young, inexperienced graduates who are usually birds of passage.目前该机构不得不依赖没有经验的年轻毕业生,可这些人通常会跳槽。He will be the least experienced leader ever of the party. It will be a leap in the dark.他将是这个党有史以来最没有经验的领导者。这将是一场冒险。The objection that he had no experience was ignored.认为他没有经验的反对理由未被理会。There are a lot of young, inexperienced players on the team.队里有许多年轻、没有经验的球员。An inexperienced pilot can easily stall his plane.没有经验的飞行员很容易使他的飞机失速。He had no experience, so starting his own business was a real leap in the dark.没有经验,所以自主创业对他来说真是冒险之举。An inexperienced pilot may easily stall a plane.没有经验的飞行员很容易使飞机失速下降。They performed poorly, but allowances should be made for their inexperience.他们演得不好,但应该体谅他们没有经验He did very well in the campaign, especially considering his lack of experience.他在竞选活动中的表现已经相当不错了,尤其是考虑到他之前没有经验You must take account of her inexperience.你必须考虑到她没有经验Don't treat him too hard. He is just a fledgling.别对他作太多的要求,他只是个没有经验的人。




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