例句 |
Andy Warhol's pictures of soup cans are a famous example of pop art.安迪•沃霍尔的汤罐头盒绘画作品是有名的波普艺术作品。Her attempt at a home-cooked meal consisted of frozen fish sticks and a can of soup.她尝试做一顿家常便饭,食材包括冻鱼条和汤罐头。The kitchen cupboard was stocked with tins of soup and food.厨房的橱柜里备有汤罐头和食品罐头。There was only one dinky store with a few cans of soup and some other useless junk for sale.只有一家很简陋的商店,卖的是一些汤罐头和其他一些没有用的杂物。 |