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词汇 汤姆
例句 They elected Tom as their representative.他们选举汤姆作为他们的代表。Here are Tom and David; the latter is my brother.这是汤姆和大卫;后者是我的兄弟。Tom and I broke up last year.汤姆和我去年分手了。Tom planted a wet kiss on her cheek.汤姆在她的面颊上来了个湿吻。Would you do me a favour and call Tom to tell him I'm on my way home?你帮我个忙,打电话告诉汤姆,说我已经在回家路上了,好吗?Tom admitted good-naturedly that he had been wrong.汤姆和和气气地承认是他错了。Tom's mother was an elegantly dressed gray-haired woman.汤姆的母亲穿着高雅,一头灰发。Tom was busy with his work and hasn't time to chase around.汤姆因工作忙,没有时间参加社交往来。Tom was a brilliant mimic who could impersonate most of the college staff.汤姆的模仿能力是超一流的,他能惟妙惟肖地模仿学院里的大多数老师。Tom pounded the table angrily.汤姆气愤地猛击桌子。Tom was the bad penny that always turned up.汤姆是个讨厌鬼,老是在不该出现的地方露面。She really sat up when I told her the gossip about Tom.我把有关汤姆的闲话告诉她时,她确实大吃一惊。Laura lost out to Tom.劳拉不如汤姆做得好。Tom pootled off into the house.汤姆闲逛着进了房子。Tom didn't make a single spelling mistake in his composition.汤姆在这篇作文里一个字也没拼错。Tom was a great one for bawdy jokes.汤姆是个讲粗俗笑话的能手。Tom is a an of iron.汤姆是个意志坚强的人。The authority asked me why Tom wasn't in school.领导问我为什么汤姆没有来学校。Paul said he knew how to do the job and offered to show Tom, but it ended up as the blind leading the blind.保罗说这活儿他会做,还主动说要做给汤姆看,但结果却像瞎子给瞎子引路。This last little escapade really takes the biscuit, Tom.汤姆,这次的小恶作剧真的糟透了。Tom flipped a coin to see whether he would pass the exam.汤姆掷硬币看他考试是否会及格。Tom's next in line for the boss's job.下一个被提拔当老板的将是汤姆In the company, Dick ranks above Tom.在公司里,狄克的地位比汤姆高。Tom had spent a sleepless night on the sofa.汤姆在沙发上一夜没睡。Tom has a strong sense of justice.汤姆有很强的正义感。Tom went to a very traditional boys’ school.汤姆上的是一所非常传统的男子学校。How's it going, Tom? I haven't seen you for a long time.怎么样,汤姆?好久没有看到你了。She lost interest in Jim and bent a charming smile on Tom.她对吉姆不再感兴趣,而把妩媚的笑脸转向汤姆I wonder if Tom ever had his teeth fixed anywhere else.我在想汤姆是不是在别的地方整过牙。In the weak light inside the bus Tom couldn't see to read.公共汽车内灯光很暗,使汤姆无法看书。Father Tom was a hard-working, virtuous man, liked and respected by everyone.汤姆神甫是位工作勤奋、道德高尚的男子,受到大家的爱戴和尊敬。Tom thought of the war as an aggressive one.汤姆把这场战争视作侵略战争。Tom finished the sentence with an air of pique.汤姆有些生气地说完这句话。Dave, meet my brother Tom.戴恩,认识一下我的哥哥汤姆Tom has handed in his resignation.汤姆提交了辞职信。Tom has a good many friends at school.汤姆在学校里有相当多朋友。Tom's quite talented but he'll never set the world on fire.汤姆虽然很有才华,但不会获得举世瞩目的成功。The more Tom drank, the louder he became.汤姆喝得越多,嗓门越大。You should take a leaf out of Tom's book.你应该学学汤姆Tom was conspicuously lacking in enthusiasm for the idea.汤姆显然对这个主意缺乏热情。




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