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词汇 irritable
例句 She's kind of irritable, if you know what I mean.她有点易怒,你知道我的意思。Teething can be painful and make your baby irritable.出牙可能会疼,并会让宝宝烦躁。You're turning into an irritable old man.你都快成急躁的老头了。He was an irritable old man, who seldom spoke except to say a gruff hello.他是个爱发脾气的老人,除了生硬地打声招呼外很少说话。He was patronizing, didactic, and irritable.他盛气凌人、喜欢训人并且急躁易怒。A baby's skin is often quite irritable.婴儿的皮肤往往相当过敏。Be careful what you say - he's rather irritable today.说话当心点儿——他今天脾气很大。He wasn't irritable or snappy or anything, just slightly perplexed.他并不是爱发火或爱起急什么的,他只是有点困惑。Teething can be painful and make your baby irritable.长牙会很难受,婴儿会烦躁不安。The kids were getting very tired and irritable so they kept crying.孩子们越来越疲惫烦躁,所以哭个不停。He's extremely irritable - he flies off the handle at the slightest thing.他极容易发火——芝麻大的小事都能让他大发雷霆。Jo was tired, irritable, and depressed.乔疲惫暴躁,而且情绪低落。He had missed his dinner, and grew irritable.他没吃上晚餐,变得很焦躁。Teachers report that children are less irritable during the afternoon.老师们报告称,儿童在下午不那么容易发脾气。My father is always irritable after a nap.我父亲小睡后总是容易发怒。Her skin is quite irritable.她的皮肤相当过敏。He had been waiting for over an hour and was beginning to feel irritable.他已经等了一个多小时,开始变得急躁了。After giving up smoking, he became fat and irritable.戒烟后,他发福了,而且老爱发火。Lack of sleep had made him irritable.睡眠不足令他烦躁易怒。Sorry I'm a bit irritable – I had a bad night.抱歉,我有点儿烦躁,夜里没休息好。I came home from work feeling tired and irritable.下班回家后,我觉得又疲惫又烦躁。They may feel tired and though outwardly calm, can be irritable.他们或许会感到疲惫,虽然外表看似没事,但可能很容易发火。The news made John irritable.这消息使约翰烦躁不安。Zoe hadn't had much sleep and was feeling tired and irritable.佐伊睡得不够,感到很累,脾气也大了。The professor had been pugnacious and irritable.那位教授好斗且易怒。She was uncharacteristically irritable/quiet/tense.她异常急躁/平静/紧张。Since Steve quit smoking, he's been really irritable.史蒂夫戒烟之后动不动就发火。Mary's problems at work were making her tense and irritable.工作上的问题使玛丽紧张易怒。The baby is teething and has been irritable for several days.那个婴孩在出牙齿,这几天一直烦躁不安。His glasses magnified his irritable glare.他那怒不可遏的眼神在眼镜片下显得愈发逼人。He could be peevish and irritable at times.他有时暴躁易怒。Alan was irritable, and very evidently in a nervy state.艾伦很急躁,很明显他处于紧张不安的状态。During the rut, the male deer can be very irritable.在发情期间,公鹿可能很易怒。




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