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My decision that reasonable grounds existed to believe he was complicit in war crimes, was reached on the balance of probabilities.有充分的理由去相信他是战争罪的同谋,我的这一裁决是依据或然性权衡的原则作出的。He did not witness her execution, yet he and the others are complicit in her death.他没有亲眼目睹她被处决,但他和其他人对她的死都难脱干系。The government itself may have been complicit in the violence.政府本身可能就是该暴力事件的参与者。He was complicit in the cover-up. 他与人串通掩盖真相。A mother who does not report the abuse is said to be complicit.据说一位没有举报这起虐待事件的母亲与此有牵连。 |