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词汇 水面
例句 The fish were jumping clean out of the water.鱼儿高高地跳出了水面She rose to the surface of the water once every minute to get/take a gulp of air.她每隔一分钟要把头探出水面吸一大口气。Periscopes are used in submarines to allow you to look above the surface of the water.潜水艇上装有潜望镜,通过它可以观察水面以上的情况。The sun reflected off the water.阳光从水面反射过来。In contrast with its surface fleet, Britain's submarine force was relatively small.同其水面舰队相比,英国的潜艇部队规模相对较小。A periscope broke the surface of the water.一具潜望镜突然冒出水面As I looked out over the water, a small boat appeared in the middle distance.当我朝水面望去时,一条小船出现在水中央。The water was calm and still.水面平静无波。When water boils, bubbles rise to the surface.水烧开时,水面会冒泡。The whales were showing off with a series of spectacular breaches and splashdowns.鲸群以一连串壮观的跃出和溅落水面的动作炫耀自己。There is a progression of habitats from dry meadows through marshes to open water.栖息地是一系列的,从干燥的草地到沼泽地,再到开阔的水面Fish at the surface of the water are easy prey for eagles.游在水面的鱼很容易成为老鹰的猎物。Sound carries well over calm water.声音在平静的水面易于传播。The clear water mirrored the blue sky.清澈的水面映出了碧蓝的天空。The wreck lay beneath the surface of the water.船的残骸就在该水域水面之下。Somehow we managed to haul the boat out of the water and onto the bank.我们终于想办法把小船拖出水面弄上岸。The pond was covered with green scum.池塘水面盖满了绿色浮藻。The moon hung over the harbour dabbling the waves with gold.月亮高挂在港湾上空,给水面洒上点点金色。The water sparkled in the bright sunlight.水面在灿烂的阳光下闪闪发亮。A fish nosed the surface and the water riffled.一条鱼探出水面水面便起了涟漪。The bow is out of the water.船头的一侧露出了水面The submarine surfaced.潜艇浮出了水面He put his hands on the side of the pool and pulled himself out of the water.他双手扒着游泳池壁,把自己托出水面Goldfish were swimming lazily just under the surface.金鱼紧贴着水面慢吞吞地游着。The geese almost hid the water.鹅群几乎把水面都遮盖了。Spray rose up from the surface of the water.水面冒起水花。The wind hardly stirred the surface of the water.风几乎没有吹皱水面The water stilled at last.水面终于平静了。A light wind ruffled the water.一阵微风吹皱了水面He shone the flashlight on the water.他用手电筒照了照水面The wind made the water choppy.风把水面吹得波浪翻滚。A bird skimmed low over the water.一只鸟儿贴着水面飞过。The sun reflected off the water in bright sparkles of light.太阳照在水面波光粼粼。A salvage team failed to refloat the vessel.打捞队没能使这艘船重新浮上水面The sun glanced on the water.水面在阳光下波光粼粼。Maggie's head broke through the surface of the pool.玛吉的头探出了池子的水面The real problem is toxic waste and oil slicks.最重要的问题是有毒尾气和水面浮油。The boat was now moving swiftly over the water.现在船在水面飞快地行驶。Her voice seemed to float gently on the water.她的声音好像在水面轻轻漂动。The still water reflected the full moon.平静的水面映出了满月。




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