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词汇 气愤
例句 I'd found Philippe was cheating on me and I was angry and hurt.发觉菲利普对我不忠后,我又气愤又伤心。The aggression of a bully leaves people feeling hurt, angry and impotent.恃强凌弱者的侵犯行为令人感觉痛苦、气愤而又无奈。She angrily told him to button it.气愤地让他住嘴。Tom pounded the table angrily.汤姆气愤地猛击桌子。She was rending her hair out in anger.气愤得直扯自己的头发。John felt sad, embarrassed, but above all angry that Anna could treat him like this.约翰感到又伤心又难堪,但是最气愤的还是安娜这样待他。I'm disgusted with the way that he was treated.他受到如此对待让我气愤I experienced the gamut of emotions: shock, anger, sadness, disgust, confusion.我的心情五味杂陈:震惊、气愤、悲伤、憎恶、困惑全有。She gave me a resentful glare.气愤地瞪了我一眼。He groaned in exasperation.气愤地抱怨。She tipped her drink over his head and stormed out.她把饮料往他头上一倒,就气愤地冲了出去。What truly grates is the painful banter.最让人气愤的是那个令人难堪的玩笑。It galls me that such a small group of people can have so much power.这么一小撮人竟然拥有这么大的权力,这让我很气愤Larry rose excitedly to the edge of his seat, shook a fist at us and spat.拉里气愤地挺直了后背,上半身前倾至座位边缘,边朝我们挥舞拳头边吐口水。He's filled with resentment at/against his boss.老板让他满腔气愤He's disgusted by all the attention people give to celebrities.他很气愤人们那么关注名人。The colonel was apoplectic with rage.上校气愤得满脸通红。Angry residents have declared war on the owners of the factory.气愤的居民已经向工厂主宣战。The delays left us feeling tired and exasperated.几次延误使我们颇感疲惫和气愤Andy's face paled with disappointment; perhaps with anger as well.安迪的脸色由于失望而变得苍白,也许还掺杂着气愤His eyes were angry, though he sounded casual.虽然他的话听起来漫不经心,但他的眼神是气愤的。The continuing presence of American troops on Korean soil remains a very sore point with these students.美国军队继续驻扎在韩国的土地上,这一点仍然让这些学生深感气愤She had been stung by criticism.批评使她感到很气愤Despite his anger at having been wrongly accused, Peterson behaved honourably throughout the trial,尽管彼得森因被冤枉而心里气愤,但他在审讯过程中表现得十分体面。Katherine angrily snatched her hand out of his grasp.凯瑟琳气愤地把被他紧紧抓住的手快速地抽了回来。He angrily told her that he didn't give a damn what she did.气愤地告诉她,他一点也不在乎她所做的一切。He complained bitterly about the crowds.气愤地抱怨拥挤的人群。As the story unfolded throughout the past week, I experienced the gamut of emotions: shock, anger, sadness, disgust, confusion.上周随着故事情节的展开,我的心情可以说是跌宕起伏:从震惊、气愤、悲伤到憎恶与困惑。The heartrending photos of the Nanking massacre enraged the Chinese viewers.南京大屠杀那些令人伤心欲绝的照片让中国人看了之后气愤不已。Marion threw down the book in disgust.玛丽昂气愤地扔下了书。She sounded angry and tearful.她听起来很气愤,带着哭腔。His mother continued to talk angrily, and Tim's thoughts automatically switched to more pleasant subjects.蒂姆的母亲继续气愤地说着,而蒂姆的思绪已不自觉地飞向更为愉快的方面去了。I resent her insinuation that I can't do it without her help.气愤的是,她拐弯抹角地暗示,没有她的帮助我无法做到。The way they treat people makes me sick.他们的待人方式让我气愤There will be wailing and gnashing of teeth whatever criteria the Arts Council employ for this exercise.无论艺术委员会采取哪种标准来评判这次训练,总会有人哀怨,有人气愤Furious by now, I walked out, leaving him sitting there shocked and white-faced.我这时已气愤至极,于是愤然离去,留下他坐在那儿惊愕得脸色发白。She retorted angrily that it wasn't true.气愤地反驳说那不是真的。I, in my turn, became embarrassed and huffy and told her to take the money back.这下轮到我既尴尬又气愤了,我告诉她把钱拿回去。He responded with some heat to the accusations.气愤地回应指控。It always angers me to see so much waste.看到如此严重的浪费,我总是感到很气愤




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