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词汇 斡旋
例句 The UN Secretary General is on a fence-mending mission.联合国秘书长正在进行斡旋访问。For the system to work, mediators must have a working knowledge of the law.为了让这个制度行得通,斡旋人员必须具备足够的法律知识。He was instrumental in bringing about the negotiations.谈判得以开始多亏他从中斡旋He called in Secretary-General to make the necessary approaches to member states to support his country.他呼吁秘书长向成员国作必要的斡旋以支持他的国家。Without Westcott's moderating influence, Mathers's autocratic manner became unbearable.没有了韦斯科特从中斡旋,马瑟斯的独断专行开始叫人无法忍受。His intercession could be of help to the tribe.他的斡旋可能对这个部落有所帮助。He brokered a ceasefire agreement between the warring factions.他在交战的双方之间斡旋,促成了停火协议。He tried to negotiate a peace between the warring countries.他努力在交战国之间斡旋以促成和平协议。UN peacekeepers mediated a new ceasefire.联合国维和人员斡旋后实现了新一轮的停火。The two envoys have succeeded in mediating an end to the war.两位使节通过调节斡旋促成了战争的结束。There is still a possibility the two sides could reach a compromise through the mediation of a third party.通过第三方斡旋使双方达成妥协的可能性依然存在。The UN has resumed its efforts to broker peace.联合国已恢复和平斡旋的努力。A diplomatic endgame is under way to find a peaceful solution.正在为寻求和平解决进行最后的外交斡旋A UN representative will act as a go-between for leaders of the two countries.一名联合国代表将在两国领导人之间斡旋Several political prisoners have been released through the intercession of Amnesty International.经大赦国际的斡旋,几名政治犯被释放了。It has also asked Britain and the United States to intercede.它也请了英国与美国进行斡旋It has asked Britain and the United States to intercede.它已请求英国和美国介入斡旋An international group is trying to negotiate a cease-fire between the belligerents.某国际组织正试图在交战双方之间进行停战斡旋Lord Beaverbrook intervened on behalf of his friend.比弗布鲁克勋爵代表他的朋友进行斡旋




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