例句 |
Even radical marketing strategies proved effete.即使采取激进的市场营销策略也毫无效果。The drugs had no effect.这些药毫无效果。Lizzy stretched, in a futile effort to relieve her aches and kinks.莉齐舒展身体,想减轻疼痛和痉挛,却毫无效果。We don't tell people directly not to use drugs because that doesn't work.我们并不直接告诉人们不要吸食毒品,因为这样做毫无效果。They protested but to no avail.他们提了抗议,但毫无效果。Paul realized that his words were having no effect; Karen was not going to change her mind.保罗意识到他的话毫无效果,卡伦是不会改变主意的。 |