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Opponents accused the candidate of taking a cookie-cutter approach to the problem. 竞争对手们指责这位候选人对这个问题的解决方法毫无创意。The TV show is nothing but fluff.那个电视节目只不过是毫无意思的玩意儿。It is a situation, in sum, devoid of logic.总之,该情况毫无逻辑。She breezed through that difficult book.她毫无困难地把那本难读的书读完了。With the downturn in the market their jobs have become very insecure.由于市场低迷,他们的工作已变得毫无保障。The party framed its message in unashamedly patriotic language.这个政党满口爱国之词,毫无羞愧之色。Work went ahead without hindrance.工作毫无周折地顺利进行。Finally, and mysteriously, Hoffa disappeared without trace.最后,霍法毫无踪迹地神秘消失了。The meeting was of no significance.此会议毫无重要性。I can't believe that those two murders are unconnected.我不相信那两桩谋杀案之间毫无关联。He always throws out the tacky comment and the cheap shot. He has no class.他总是发表一些低俗评论和恶意中伤的话,毫无品位。The city is exposed and vulnerable to air attack.这个城市毫无防守,容易受到空袭。The Government has failed abysmally to improve the incentives for skill formation.政府在加强对技能培养的激励方面毫无建树。We worked all day but had nothing to show for it. 我们整天工作,却毫无成就可言。He may well be brilliant, but he is completely impractical.他也许才智过人,但毫无实践能力。The event was perceived as no more than an empty gesture.人们认为这个活动不过是装装样子,毫无实际内容。You've no basis for this incredible suggestion.你这个离奇的提议是毫无依据的。The joke was entirely bankrupt of humour.那个笑话毫无幽默可言。I haven't a ghost of a chance of getting the job.我毫无可能得到这份工作。There is no truth in the story.这个故事毫无事实根据。There are some very obvious phrases that we all know or certainly should know better than to use.我们都知道或是肯定应该知道有些说法已毫无新意,最好避免使用。Can you look back and see a well-defined path, or simply an aimless series of job moves with no coherent structure?.回顾过去时能看到一条清晰的轨迹,还是只能看到一连串毫无目的、前后不连贯的工作经历?He views his opponents as a mindless rabble.他视他的反对者们为一帮毫无头脑的乌合之众。His first touch was poor, and the ball rolled harmlessly past the post.他的第一脚停球质量很差,皮球毫无威胁地从门柱旁边滚过。He was plagued by ineptitude, cowardice and lack of drive.他的愚笨、懦弱和毫无斗志让自己颇为苦恼。His comment seemed perfectly innocuous.他的评论似乎毫无冒犯之意。Being in a small town like this is like living in a fishbowl.生活在这样的一个小镇上就像生活在玻璃鱼缸里一样毫无隐秘可言。I sat picking at my dinner, wishing I were somewhere else.我坐在那里毫无胃口地吃着饭,心里想着要是我不在这里就好了。The rumour is without foundation in fact.这谣传毫无事实根据。I've always found him a most charmless individual.我一直觉得他是个毫无魅力的人。Modern man is spiritually dispossessed.现代人在精神上毫无寄托。His sense of aimlessness increased.他越来越感到自己毫无斗志。He said good night to her but she gave no answer.他向她道晚安,而她却毫无反应。He had written nothing original but simply paraphrased what the critics had said.他写的东西毫无原创性,只是改述了批评家说的话。The children were tired and sluggish and didn't seem interested in any of the games.孩子们疲惫乏力,对这些游戏似乎都毫无兴趣。Without warning, the tree crashed through the roof.在毫无前兆的情况下,那棵树轰隆一下子压塌了屋顶。He has no dress sense at all.他毫无穿衣品位。The assault was so unexpected that he was briefly stunned into submission.袭击来得非常突然,他一时间惊得毫无反抗能力。The punch missed by a mile and the bigger boy crashed another blow into Billy's unprotected face.这一拳根本没有打中,于是那个大些的男孩又来了一拳,狠狠打在比利毫无防护的脸上。This was a savage attack on a defenceless young girl.这是对一个毫无自卫能力的年轻女孩的野蛮袭击。 |