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词汇 complained
例句 Viewers complained that the broadcast offended against good taste.观众投诉说这个节目有伤大雅。She complained of a dull ache/pain in her knee.她抱怨说膝盖隐隐作痛。He complained so much that he got a reputation for being a malcontent.他抱怨过多,以至于人们都觉得他是个心怀不满的人。Though Ruth complained bitterly, Mama would not let up on her.尽管露丝大发牢骚,但妈妈不会对她放松要求。She complained that her boss has been coming on to her.她抱怨说老板一直勾引她。She complained of severe pains in her chest.她自诉胸口剧痛。Beach users have complained about people walking their dogs on the sand.海滩上的游客投诉有人在沙滩上遛狗。Employees have complained of being at the mercy of the manager's every whim and caprice.雇员们抱怨对经理的每一次突发奇想和反复无常都感到无能为力。She felt she had been unfairly treated, and complained to her boss.她觉得自己受到了不公正待遇,便向老板提出抗议。No one ever complained; if anybody had minded I'd have been humping my swag down the road.没有人抱怨过;如果有人介意的话,我早就背起行囊上路走人了。A lot of listeners wrote in and complained about the programme.很多听众写信来投诉这个节目。He complained to the police of the boys stealing his apples.他向警方控告那些男孩偷他的苹果。The waitress complained that her employer had humiliated her in front of customers.服务员投诉老板当着顾客的面羞辱她。The teacher complained that nothing was feeding back to him from the classroom.教师抱怨说,堂上学生对他的讲课全无反应。He complained that there were not enough distractions in the town.他抱怨城里娱乐场所不够多。They were already accustomed to waiting, so no one complained.他们已经习惯了等候,因此没有人发牢骚。Some of the younger women complained that he'd been taking liberties with them.一些年轻一点的妇女抱怨说他对她们过分亲热。The prisoners complained of ill treatment by their guards.囚犯们抱怨看守虐待他们。Students complained that the meals were monotonous.学生们抱怨饭菜单调。He complained of being muzzled by the chairman.他抱怨主席不让他发言。He could have complained if he had been minded to do so.如果他想抱怨的话,他早就这样做了。Two of the candidates complained of unfair muckraking during the election campaign.候选人中有两位抱怨此次选举活动中有揭人隐私的不公平做法。Passengers complained about the dirty lavatory and surly staff.乘客抱怨厕所不干净,工作人员态度粗暴。Though Sybbis complained bitterly, Mama would not let up on her.尽管西比斯大发牢骚,但妈妈不会放她一马。Mr Charles complained, to no effect.查尔斯先生投诉无果。She complained about being given such a measly raise.她抱怨只增加了那么一丁点儿工资。Concerned parents have complained about the dangerous playground.忧心忡忡的家长们抱怨那个儿童游乐场太危险。After her fall she complained that she couldn't bend her leg properly.摔了一跤之后,她说她的腿不能正常弯曲了。Detainees complained of being given food which is inedible.被拘人员抱怨给他们提供的食物难以下咽。The neighbours complained about his loud music.邻居们抱怨他放音乐的声音太大。He complained of a nagging pain between his shoulder blades.他主诉两个肩胛骨之间一直疼得难受。Some theatre-goers complained Joan was on stage for just half an hour.有些观众抱怨琼的出场时间只有半小时。Students complained about the heavy workload.学生们抱怨课业繁重。The residents of Hollyhurst Road complained that cars parked there were a hazard to pedestrians.霍利赫斯特路的居民抱怨说停在那里的汽车对行人是个威胁。He was subjected to the most vicious calumny, but he never complained and never sued.他遭受了最恶毒的诽谤,但从未抱怨也从未起诉。He complained bitterly that no one had bothered to ask his opinion.他满腹牢骚地抱怨没有人征求他的意见。He complained that the new lenses gave him double vision and headaches.他抱怨说他戴新的隐形眼镜有重影,而且头痛。The neighbours complained to the police about the noise.邻居们就噪音的问题向警方投诉。He complained quite legitimately about his treatment.他完全有理由对自己所受的待遇表示不满。The opposition parties complained that the government had poached their ideas.众反对党抱怨政府盗用它们的想法。




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