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词汇 complain about
例句 He swore like a trooper when I complained about his work.我对他的工作提出不满意见,他便破口大骂。I've never had any cause to complain about my doctor.我从没有任何理由投诉我的医生。Visitors to the centre complained about the service more than last year.去该中心的人对服务质量的投诉比去年更多了。How many people have written into the television station to complain about the moral level of the show?有多少人写信给电视台抱怨这档节目的道德水准?A lot of listeners wrote in and complained about the programme.很多听众写信来投诉这个节目。Passengers complained about the dirty lavatory and surly staff.乘客抱怨厕所不干净,工作人员态度粗暴。He complained about being persecuted by the media.他抱怨遭到媒体纠缠。Students complained about the heavy workload.学生们抱怨课业繁重。Some people have begun to complain about the project delays, but the mayor continues to preach patience. 有人开始抱怨项目拖延,但市长继续宣扬要有耐心。Residents complain about being shaken down for their money.居民们抱怨被人勒索钱财。Customers are sure to complain about the price increase.顾客肯定要抱怨价格上涨。I complained about his disgraceful behaviour.我对他的不光彩行为表示了不满。Passengers complain about lack of information when travel delays occur.旅客抱怨说旅途中发生延误时没有人告知相关信息。Politicians of all stripes complained about the plan.形形色色的政客都抱怨这项计划。They complained about their exclusion from the rights that others enjoy.他们抱怨说自己无法享受其他人享有的权利。I'm normally quick to complain about shoddy service.对劣质服务我通常会立刻投诉。When I complain about the mean things he says, he just tells me I'm being oversensitive.我抱怨他说话刻薄,他却说我过于敏感。Mr Potter complained about the lack of leadership within the health service.波特先生抱怨公共医疗卫生服务内部缺乏领导。I was worried that I would be regarded as a troublemaker if I complained about the safety standards.我担心如果我对安全规范提意见的话,会被看作是个惹是生非的人。Several patients complained about the treatment they received.好几名患者都对他们接受的治疗提出了投诉。She complained about the infrequency of her son's visits. 她抱怨儿子不常来看她。He complained about being doorstepped by the press.他对报社记者强行上门采访颇有微词。These selfsame people who complain about the problem also refuse to help correct it.这些人为此问题而抱怨,却拒绝帮忙解决。People living near the football stadium complain about litter and rowdy fans.居住在足球场附近的人抱怨球迷乱扔垃圾,大声喧哗。He constantly complains about how he's treated at work.他时常抱怨工作待遇。Teachers complain about a generalized lack of respect from students.学生对老师普遍的不尊敬现象引起了老师们的不满。Hundreds of people rang in to complain about his remarks.成百上千的人打电话来对他的话表示不满。People complain about the filth on TV and in the press.人们抱怨电视上和报刊中充斥着肮脏淫秽的东西。Beach users have complained about people walking their dogs on the sand.海滩上的游客投诉有人在沙滩上遛狗。You'd be within your rights to complain about those shoes, you know.你瞧,你是有权抱怨那双鞋子的。She complained about being given such a measly raise.她抱怨只增加了那么一丁点儿工资。He's an old crock who complains about everything.他是个凡事都要抱怨的老家伙。An enormous number of people wrote to complain about last night's show.有不少人写信来投诉昨晚的节目。The fans complained about the apparently arbitrary distribution of tickets for the next game.球迷们抱怨下一场比赛门票的分发显然是随心所欲的。Everyone should put pencil to paper and complain about the proposal.每个人都应该把对这一建议的不满写下来。The self-same people who complain about low-flying aircraft are the ones who will be jetting off to Florida on their holidays next year.这些人抱怨飞机飞得太低,第二年坐着喷气机飞去佛罗里达度假的同样是他们。Editors complain about the lack of creativity in the ideas put to them.编辑们抱怨说交给他们的选题缺乏创意。He never complains about his wife.他从不抱怨妻子。People usually complain about having to deal with too much bureaucracy.人们经常抱怨不得不应付太多的繁文缛节。Dozens of people wrote in to the newspaper to complain about the controversial comic strip.许多人给报社写信,表达对那个有争议的连环漫画的不满。




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