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词汇 比得上
例句 No one can touch these girls for professionalism.在专业素养方面,没有人能比得上这些姑娘。There's no doubt that she can produce work that is equal to anyone else's in her class.毫无疑问,她做的作业比得上班上其他的人。In my opinion, this restaurant has no competition.在我看来,没有哪家餐厅比得上这家。No one could be his equal at telling a story.讲故事没人比得上他。No one could match the skill of the archer.没人能比得上这位弓箭手的技艺。Her lovers rarely match her wit and intelligence.她的情人们在聪明才智上很少能比得上她。You've done some fool things in your time, but this beats everything.你以前也干过些蠢事,但没有一件比得上这一次。There's no one else to compare with him in this respect.在这方面没有其他人比得上他。He has the physique and energy of a man half his age.他的体格和精力比得上年龄只有他一半大的人。He did everything with a style that I have never seen equalled.我还从来没有见过做事风格能比得上他的人。There's no one in the business who can hold a candle to him.在这一行业里没人能比得上他。The college's facilities rival those of Harvard and Yale.这所学院的设施比得上哈佛和耶鲁。Few museums could rival the Old Royal Observatory at Greenwich for a grand day out.若想找个地儿开心地逛一天,几乎没有哪家博物馆能比得上格林尼治皇家天文台。There's nothing like a long hot bath after a day's climbing.爬了一天的山以后,没什么比得上好好泡个热水澡了。There is no one who even approaches his talents.没人比得上他的才华。No other automotive engine has been able to equal its toughness and economy.没有别的汽车发动机能比得上它的坚牢耐用和经济实惠。No other singer can hold a candle to her.其他歌手没有一个能比得上她。See if you can equal that!看看你是否能比得上No other palace could match the splendour of the Taj Mahal.没有宫殿能比得上泰姬陵的富丽堂皇。This compares favourably with previous results.这次结果比得上以前的。None can match your sheer willpower and persistence in wearing down the opposition.在消磨反对派的意志方面,没有人能比得上你那惊人的意志力和不懈的坚持。




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