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词汇 殖民地
例句 The port had been very important in colonial times.这个港口在十三州殖民地时期一直非常重要。Colonial writers copied European models of style, diction, and literary form.殖民地作家模仿欧洲作家的写作风格、遣词造句和体裁。The higher taxes caused increasing tension between colonials and the mother country.更高的税收使殖民地居民和宗主国之间的关系日趋紧张。He said the move would definitely stem the haemorrhage of talent and enterprise from the colony.他称这一举措势必会抑制殖民地人才和企业的严重流失。Many of our troops and officers were scattered around the world in the service of His Majesty in the colonies.我们的很多部队和军官分驻世界各地的英属殖民地,为英王效力。Many colonies in Africa became independent nations in the 1950's.非洲许多殖民地在二十世纪五十年代成了独立国家。England colonized Australia.英国在澳大利亚开拓了殖民地In his speech he promised full support to wars of independence waged by colonial peoples.在演说中,他承诺全力支持殖民地人民发动的独立战争。The book describes the trials and tribulations of the colony's earliest settlers.这本书描写了殖民地早期定居者经受的考验与磨难。The house is a gem of colonial architecture.这座房子是殖民地时期建筑的精品。The colony is now a viable state.这个殖民地现在成了能自立的国家。Such attitudes are a legacy from colonial times.这些观念是殖民地时期遗留下来的。Representatives of the colonies met in an extraordinary congress.殖民地代表在一次特别大会上会面。The English colonized New England.英国人在新英格兰开拓了殖民地Missionaries were sent to the colonies to spread Christianity.传教士被派到各殖民地去传播基督教。The rifle played a big role in the early settlement of North America.步枪在早期的北美殖民地开拓中发挥了巨大作用。Liberia was never colonised by the European powers.利比里亚从未沦落为欧洲强国的殖民地The apple was brought over here by the colonists when they came.苹果是早期殖民地开拓者来的时候带过来的。Religious dissension threatened to split the colony.宗教派系间的不和威胁到这一殖民地的统一。The colonies were claiming a larger measure of self-government.殖民地正要求获得更大程度上的自治。This country cut the colony loose a year ago.一年前,这个国家结束了对这块殖民地的统治。The bond between the mother country and her former colonies grew stronger.母国和她以前的殖民地之间的关系更紧密了。The English settled New England.英国人在新英格兰建立了殖民地The building is an authentic reproduction of a colonial farmhouse.这座建筑真实地再现了殖民地时期的农舍。The job of colonial administrator was an attractive prospect for young men who sought adventure.对于追求冒险的年轻男子来说,从事殖民地行政官的工作有非常诱人的前景。The colonies passed through analogous stages from governance to self-government.这些殖民地从被统治地位到自治经过了类似的阶段。Though the Governor of Virginia lobbied on the planters' behalf, the Crown turned a deaf ear.虽然弗吉尼亚殖民地总督为种植园主进行游说,但国王对此充耳不闻。The Teutonics were famous for their colonizing ability.条顿骑士团以其开拓殖民地的能力而闻名。The store sells a range of reproduction furniture in Colonial style.该商店出售殖民地时期式样家具的一系列仿制品。The colonies received only a passing mention.那些殖民地只是顺带提了一下。The town's history goes back to colonial times.这座小镇的历史可以上溯到殖民地时代。Louverture headed the revolt of the slaves in the French colony of San Domingo.卢维杜尔领导了法国殖民地圣多明各的奴隶起义。Puerto Rico, though it calls itself a Commonwealth, is really a self-governing American colony.波多黎各尽管自称共和国,但实际上是有自治权的美国殖民地The news made a big stir among the colonists.这个消息在殖民地居民中引起了轰动。The former French colony has achieved self-government.这个前法国殖民地已获得自治。The king sought an absolute tyranny over the colonies.国王试图对各殖民地进行绝对的专制统治。The colony was governed directly from Paris.这块殖民地直接受巴黎管辖。Algeria was formerly a French colony.阿尔及利亚以前是法国的殖民地British colonies were ruled by governors.英国殖民地由总督统治。The pilgrims founded a colony in Plymouth.清教徒们在普利茅斯创建了一个殖民地




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