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词汇 entrance
例句 She stood firm, blocking the entrance.她坚持站在那里堵住入口。The entrance exam is very difficult and only a small minority of candidates get through.入学考试很难,只有少数考生通过了。She walked slowly down the staircase, making a grand entrance.她缓缓走下楼梯,大模大样地登场。A locked gate barred my entrance to the wood.上了锁的大门挡住了我进入树林的路。Ranks of police guarded the entrance to the base.一排排警察守卫着基地入口。He made a superbly cinematic entrance into the lobby of the fancy London hotel.他高调地走进伦敦这家豪华大酒店的大堂,就像电影里拍的那样。We stopped at the entrance of a wood, waiting for the arrival of our equipages.我们在树林的进口处停了下来,等待我们装备的到来。On one side of the main entrance there's a red plaque.大门口的一侧有块红色的匾额。Soldiers guard the entrance to the palace.士兵守卫在宫殿门口。The entrance gates were locked at midnight.大门午夜时上锁。The guns of the fort cover the entrance to the harbour.堡垒炮火控制了通向海港的入口。It was still raining hard, but we made a run for it and dived into the station entrance.雨仍下得很大,但我们拼命跑,冲进了车站入口。The entrance is well signposted and is in Marbury Road.那个入口标示得很清楚,就在马伯里路。There was a big sign above the entrance.入口的上方有一块很大的标牌。He made his grand entrance into the park in a touring car, with a brass band striking up his campaign song.铜管乐队奏响他的竞选歌曲,他在音乐声中乘敞篷车隆重地驶入公园。The entrance to the factory is cold, bare, and unwelcoming.工厂的入口处冷冰冰、光秃秃的,给人一种不受欢迎的感觉。Young autograph hunters clustered around the players' entrance.年轻人都挤在演员入口处索要签名。Notices painted on sheets hang at every entrance.写在纸上的告示悬挂在每个入口。I've forgotten my front-door key, so we'll have to use the tradesmen's entrance.我忘带了前门钥匙,因此我们只好从后门进屋。She sneaked into the house by the back entrance.她从后门偷偷摸摸地溜进房子里。On one side of the entrance there's a plaque.入口处一侧有块匾。The new programme pledged the university to accept all graduates of high schools regardless of their entrance exam scores.新的方案要求大学保证不论中学毕业生入学考试分数高低全数照收。The entrance is blocked by an immovable rock.入口被一块无法移动的石头堵住了。Amy stood riveted to the spot and gazed at the entrance.艾美一动不动站在那里,并紧盯著入口。The bushes had become overgrown and now hid the entrance to the garden.灌木恣意蔓生,现在把花园的入口都掩盖了起来。Protesters shattered a glass door and tossed red dye around the entrance.抗议者砸碎了一扇玻璃门,并往入口处泼红染料。The entrance to the park is directly opposite our house.公园入口就在我们家正对面。Schools of nursing are the principal entrance to the profession.进护士学校是投身护士职业的主要途径。Some of the protesters tried to gain entrance to the meeting.一些抗议者试图进入会场。The referendum blocked Switzerland's entrance into the European Economic Area.全民投票阻止了瑞士加入欧洲经济区。At their abrupt entrance, he rose to his feet.见他们唐突闯入,他连忙站了起来。Beside the entrance to the church, turn right.在教堂入口旁向右转。The entrance is formed by two curved rows of large stones.入口处由两排摆成弯形的大石头构成。He steered the car through the broad entrance.他驾驶汽车通过了宽阔的入口。A bus ferries visitors from the parking lot to the entrance gate. = A bus ferries visitors between the parking lot and the entrance gate.巴士把参观者从停车场摆渡到入口处。Daniel scraped through the entrance exam.丹尼尔勉强通过了入学考试。I'll meet you in the entrance lobby.我们在大堂入口见。Lunch at Harry's Bar was in full flow when Irene made a splendid entrance.当艾琳光彩照人地出现在门口时,哈里酒吧的午餐会正是热闹非凡。I was standing next to the entrance.我站在入口旁边。She failed to acknowledge our entrance.她没有理会我们的进入。




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