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例句 As I explained on the phone, your request will be considered at the next meeting.正如我在电话里解释的那样,下次开会将考虑你的请求。The building, as we shall see, is very different in its internal planning, with a great complex of halls and rooms.正如我们下面将看到的,这幢大楼的内部结构风格迥异,走廊和房间如迷宫般复杂交错。As Sharon pointed out, the story was rather hard to believe.正如莎伦所指出的,这个故事很难令人置信。The barb stung her exactly the way he hoped it would.这句尖刻的话正如他所愿刺痛了她。As he rightly pointed out, there is no real evidence that the president acted improperly.正如他正确指出的那样,没有确凿证据能够证明总统的行动有不妥之处。Your proposal is acceptable, as we all predicate.正如我们大家所断言的那样,你的建议是可以接受的。As noted earlier, his plans were rejected.正如前面提到的,他的计划被否决了。Just as your therapist engages to be honest, you have to engage to be honest as well.正如你的治疗师保证实话实说一样,你也必须保证说实话。As in most of his films, it's the good guys who win through in the end.正如在他的大多数电影里一样,好人最终获得胜利。What followed, as the saying goes, shook the world.后来发生的事,正如俗语所说,举世震惊。As its name suggests, the Carlton Beach Hotel is situated near the sea.正如其名字所暗示的那样,卡尔顿海滩宾馆就坐落在大海边。As the name suggests, a yarn winder is a device used to wind balls of yarn.正如其名字所表明的那样,绕纱机是把纱绕成纱球的机器。The effect of that singing, as the old-time reporters used to say, was electrical.正如从前的记者常说的那样,歌声直击人心。Just as the French love their wine, so the English love their beer.正如法国人喜欢喝葡萄酒一样,英国人喜欢喝啤酒。Philologists puzzle over the origins of Basque in the way that geologists puzzle over the deep structure of faults.正如地质学家对断层的深层结构感到窘惑一样,历史语言学家也对巴斯克语的来源迷惑不解。Anyway, as I was saying, things really have started to improve.不管怎样,正如我所说,情况确实开始有所改善。As she likes to point out, she distrusted him from the beginning.正如她喜欢提到的那样,她从一开始就不相信他。As history textbooks go, this one is pretty good.正如历史教科书一样,这本书非常好。The weather seemed to reflect his dark mood.天气阴沉沉的,正如他阴郁的心情。As the editor's postscript reminds the reader, she was to endure two more spells of mental illness before the book was published.正如编辑在附言中提醒读者的那样,她在本书出版前还要再经历两次精神疾病发作的折磨。So, as I said to you, natural medicine is also known as holistic medicine.那么,正如我对你说过的那样,自然医学也被称为整体医学。As I have already indicated, there is now more competition for jobs than there used to be.正如我已经说过的,现在求职的竞争比过去更为激烈了。As they say, every cloud has a silver lining. We have drawn lessons from the decisions taken.正如他们所说,黑暗中总有一线光明,我们已从所作的决定中汲取了教训。Anna buttoned up her lip, as Bessie would have called it.安娜把嘴闭上了,正如贝茜会说的那样。He's on a tightrope and his premiership is a balancing act.他的处境正如走钢丝,当首相得处处小心行事。Inflation, as measured by the consumer price index, is expected to drop.正如居民消费价格指数所显示的,通货膨胀率预期下降。The photograph is proof positive that the accident happened the way he described.这张照片是确凿证据,证明事故发生的情形正如他所说。As one official noted, the situation has begun to get out of control.正如一位官员所说,局势已经开始失控。As the Good Book says…正如《圣经》上所说…The murder was obviously well planned, as the inspector had pointed out.正如督察指出的那样,这桩凶案显然是经过周密策划的。As noted above/earlier/previously, most people survive the disease.正如前面所指出的,大部分人战胜了这种疾病。As we suspected, there is a problem with the braking system, and it will be replaced.正如我们所猜测,是刹车系统出了问题,需要更换。This is represented in the schematic diagram below.正如下面的这幅简略图所示。It rained that day, as often happens.正如常常出现的情况一样,那天下雨了。Oh well, anyhow, as we were saying, nobody cares about the poor old farmers.好了,其实正如我们所说的,没人关心可怜的老农民们。Of course, Cameron's plan failed, just as I expected it would.当然,正如我所料,卡梅伦的计划失败了。It was just as I'd expected.正如我所料。He experienced life and work as a jungle where it was eat or be eaten.他体会到生活和工作正如一座弱肉强食的丛林。The sight was disturbing as you can quite imagine.正如你所能想象的那样,那景象令人不安。Just as the body needs regular exercise, so too an engine needs to be run at regular intervals.正如身体需要经常锻炼一样,发动机也需要每隔一段时间就运转一下。




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