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词汇 欢呼声
例句 He stepped into the spotlight to the wild applause of the crowd.在观众极度兴奋的欢呼声中,他出现在聚光灯下。Great cheers rose from the crowd.人群发出响亮的欢呼声There were muted cheers from the public gallery.旁听席传出了轻微的欢呼声The hall rang with their cheers.大厅里响彻他们的欢呼声Loud cheers were coming from the bleachers.从露天看台那边传来热烈的欢呼声The crowd applauded, whooping and whistling.人群报以热烈的掌声、欢呼声和口哨声。The colonel was rewarded with a resounding cheer from the men.士兵对上校报以震天的欢呼声It was hard to hear amid all the cheering.在一片欢呼声中很难听清什么。A deafening cheer rose from the crowd as the band walked onto the stage.乐队走上台时,观众中响起震耳欲聋的欢呼声The bodies were dragged outside, to the jubilation of the mob.在民众的欢呼声中,尸体被拖到了外面。There was cheering from the Conservative benches.保守党的议员席那边响起了欢呼声There were cheers from the Labour benches.工党议员席上响起了欢呼声They marched into town to the wild cheers of the inhabitants.他们在居民们狂热的欢呼声中迈步走进镇里。There were as many jeers as cheers at the meeting.会场上有多少欢呼声就有多少嘲笑声。A great cheer went up from the audience.观众爆发出热烈的欢呼声She went off the stage to loud cheers.她在响亮的欢呼声中走下舞台。Loud cheers and whistles greeted the team.热烈的欢呼声和口哨声迎接球队的到来。The stadium echoed with cheers.体育场里回荡着欢呼声The ovation rose in a new crescendo.新一轮欢呼声一浪高过一浪。The colonel was rewarded with a resounding cheer from the men.人们对上校报以热烈的欢呼声Cheers rose from the courtroom when the verdict was given.裁决宣布时,法庭里响起一片欢呼声Her dancing brought loud cheers, wolf whistles and applause.她的舞蹈赢来震耳的欢呼声、口哨声和掌声。Loud cheers rang through the air.响亮的欢呼声在空中回响。Then came the riders amid even louder cheers and whoosh! It was all over.在更大的欢呼声中骑手们冲过来了,只听呼的一声,就全部飞奔而过!Cheers rang out as the winner was announced.宣布获胜者时,欢呼声四起。He came off the field to a huge ovation.他在热烈的欢呼声中离开了运动场。He swept her up into a bear hug and the crowd cheered.他一下子把她紧紧抱了起来,人们发出了欢呼声The crowd gave a ragged cheer.人群中发出了零落的欢呼声She was received with acclamations.她受到阵阵欢呼声的接待。The crowds cheered as the great ship slipped her moorings.巨轮起锚时,人群爆发出欢呼声Their cheers drowned out the protests of demonstrators.他们的欢呼声盖过了示威者的抗议声。The sound of the cheering faded away in the distance.欢呼声在远处逐渐消失。The soprano began to sing amidst acclamations of the audience.女高音歌手在四座欢呼声中开始演唱。A great cheer went up when the first goal was scored.第一个球进了,爆发出了巨大的欢呼声The hall resounded with cheers.大厅里回荡起欢呼声The cheers of the crowd could be heard a good distance off the stadium.离开体育场很远的地方还听得见观众的欢呼声They are rooting their team on to victory.他们在用欢呼声激励本队去争取胜利。The Court echoed to loud cheers.法庭里响起一片欢呼声The square rang with hurrahs of the crowd.人群的欢呼声响彻广场。There were cheers as Whiting was unanimously found guilty.当怀廷被一致认定为有罪时,人群中发出欢呼声




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