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词汇 communities
例句 Local authorities should be publicly accountable to the communities they serve.地方当局应对所服务的社区民众负责。The two communities are separated by a highway.这两个社区由一条公路隔开。More riots led to a growing gulf between the police and the communities in which they worked.更多的骚乱使警方与辖区之间的分歧日益加重。Most people associate troglodytes with prehistoric times, but troglodyte communities still exist in Tunisia and China.大多数人一说到穴居人就会想到史前时期,但是在突尼斯和中国如今仍然存在窑洞居民点。Many communities are facing budget problems.许多社区都面临着财政预算问题。They try to maintain harmony between the two communities.他们试图维持两个社团之间的和睦。The Los Angeles riots reflected the bitterness between the black and Korean communities in the city.洛杉矶的暴乱反映出这个城市的黑人社区和韩裔社区之间的仇恨。Such projects offer social and economic benefits to our local communities.这样的计划为我们当地社区带来社会与经济效益。Both communities have a tradition of keeping history alive.两个团体都有延续历史的传统。Others will melt into the migrant communities in big cities.其他人将会融入大城市的外来人口社区。The report says the police are out of touch with the communities that they serve.这份报告指出,警方对他们所服务的社区毫不了解。A barbed wire fence marks the boundary between the two communities.那两个社区之间以带刺的铁丝网为界。It is no accident that most of the country's outstanding public schools are in wealthy communities.该国大多数优秀的公立学校都地处富人社区绝非偶然。They have begun dialogues to promote better understanding between both communities.双方已经开始了对话,以增进两个社群间的彼此了解。Tourism generates income for local communities.旅游业为当地社区创造了收益。People no longer live in small communities to the same extent as they used to.今天生活在小社区的人不像从前那样多。New communities are nucleating.新的社区正在形成。Social problems plague these low-income communities.社会问题困扰着这些低收入社区。This attack will exacerbate the already tense relations between the two communities.这次袭击将使两个团体间已经紧张的关系更加恶化。These communities are now turning to recycling in large numbers.这些团体现在正转而致力于大规模的回收利用工作。Utopian communities always postulated the concurrence of their members in the task of creating a cooperative commonwealth.乌托邦社会总是假定其成员会通力合作,共同建设合作共和国。There is a crying need for more magistrates from the ethnic minority communities.亟须更多来自少数民族群体的治安官。The two communities live together quite peaceably.两个社区和平相处。The program provides aid for economically disadvantaged groups/communities.这项计划是对经济贫困群体提供援助。New roads and communities restrict the migration of the elk.新道路和社区的建立限制了麋鹿的迁徙。We try to forge bonds between the different communities.我们努力在不同社区之间建立联系。Local communities are campaigning against the dumping of toxic waste.当地社区正在进行反对倾倒有毒垃圾的运动。He examined the nature of the relationship between the two communities.他调查了那两个社区之间的关系的特点。The small farm communities are predominantly conservative.农场小社区大都比较保守。The institute trains people to manage wellness programs for industries, schools, communities and hospitals.这个学院为人们提供培训,给企业、学校、社区和医院管理健康计划。The reforms actually worsened the condition of people in rural communities.这些改革实际上使农村居民的处境更糟了。The party aims to attract votes from the business and professional communities, which want a faster pace of political reform.该党的目标是吸引商界和专业社群的选票,因为这两个群体都希望加快政治改革的步伐。Sportsmen are performing a public service by bringing the joys of major-league baseball to their communities.运动员正在进行一项公益活动,将他们打大联盟棒球比赛的快乐带到了社区。Rural communities are widely separated and often small.乡村村落彼此离得很远,而且通常规模很小。Most people agree that immigrant communities enrich our culture.大多数人都同意说移民社区丰富了我们的文化。Yet small communities can also be limiting and oppressive.但是,小圈子也可能因天地狭窄而使人感到沉闷。The two communities are learning how to resolve their differences.这两个社群正在学着如何解决彼此之间的分歧。What makes it difficult for the communities to coexist peacefully?是什么使得这些社区之间难以和平相处?In some communities there is a particular need to develop tolerance and improve race relations.某些社区亟需发扬宽容精神,改善种族关系。Our goal was to build shared understanding between the two communities.我们的目标是在两个社群之间达成共识。




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