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词汇 桌上
例句 She slammed the book on the table.她将书使劲往桌上一扔。Martin sat down nervously and busied himself rearranging the papers on his desk.马丁紧张地坐下来,忙着整理桌上的文件。There were bowls of fruit on the table.桌上放着一碗碗水果。She cleared the leftovers from the table.她清掉桌上的剩饭剩菜。We're not supposed to eat the fruit on the table. It's just for show. 我们不能吃桌上的水果,它们只是用来做装饰的。At the other tables couples were now in a mellow mood, chattering happily and drinking.其他桌上的情侣们正一边饮酒一边畅谈,兴致很高。The draught riffled through the papers on the table.一阵气流掀动了桌上的文件。I whisked the crumbs off the table.我把碎屑从桌上拂去。I want those files on my desk asap.我要那些文件尽快拿到我桌上来。He placed cups and saucers on the table.他把杯子和茶碟放到桌上She was leaning confidentially across the table.她神神秘秘地从桌上探过身来。Whose money is this on the table?桌上这些钱是谁的?He came in with four shopping bags and dumped them on the table.他进门后将手里提着的四个购物袋往桌上一扔。She put the glass down, slopping beer onto the table.她放下玻璃杯,把啤酒溅到了桌上She put the letter on the desk in front of me, her face deadpan, not a flicker of a smile.她将那封信放在了我面前的桌上,面无表情,没有一丝笑容。The telephone on his desk warbled.桌上的电话丁零零地响了起来。On the table was an ancient book with a decorated cover.桌上有一本封面上有装饰的古书。There is a sticky substance on the table.桌上有个很黏的东西。She played with the red roses on the table as she talked.她一边说话,一边摆弄着桌上的红玫瑰。The tables were covered with dirty coffee cups and overflowing ashtrays.桌上全是脏咖啡杯和满满的烟灰缸。One bird was bold enough to come and peck crumbs from the table.有只鸟胆子很大,飞过来啄桌上的面包屑。You must use bibulous paper to wipe off the blood stains on the table.必须使用能吸水的纸,才能把桌上的血渍擦掉。Don't let the cat jump up onto the table.不要让猫跳到桌上去。The table was arrayed with all sorts of delicacies. 桌上摆满了各种美味佳肴。He parked a load of papers on my desk.他把一大摞文件放在我桌上The chocolate sat invitingly on his desk.巧克力放在他桌上,令人垂涎。Cartons of Chinese food were arrayed on a large oak table.在一张大橡树桌上摆放着一盒盒中式食品。There were various objects on the table.桌上有各色各样物件。Lying on the table were some apples and two bunches of bananas.桌上放著几个苹果和两串香蕉。Tables are set with white china and gold-banded silver cutlery.桌上摆放着白色瓷器和镶着金边的银制餐具。She whisked the tray off the table and took it away.她把桌上的盘子匆匆一收,拿走了。The colonel rubbed his fat stomach, reaching for something from the table to put into his mouth.上校摸了摸自己的胖肚子,伸手拿起桌上的食物放进嘴里。He blew smoke rings across the table.他吐出一个个烟圈,从桌上飘过。Has anyone taken a book off my desk?是不是有人从我桌上拿走了一本书?He swung round suddenly, sending the papers on his desk flying.他突然转过身来,把他桌上的文件带得飞散。This is the table he affects in the dining room.在食堂里他常在这张桌上吃饭。On the table sat a box decorated with little pearl triangles.桌上有一只用珠子串成的小三角形作装饰的盒子。He placed one hand heavily on a fragile, wobbling table.他把一只手重重地放在一张摇摇晃晃的桌上Water dripped off the table and soaked into the carpet.水从桌上滴下来,渗到地毯里去了。The phone trilled on her desk.桌上的电话丁零零地响。




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