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The matter was outside the committee's terms of reference.这件事已超出了委员会的授权范围。The project can't go ahead until the finance committee agrees.这个项目要等财政委员会同意了才可进行。The committee has raised serious objections to the plans.委员会坚决反对这些方案。One member of the planning committee had a conflict of interest as he lived near the proposed road.规划委员会的一位成员就住在计划建设的公路旁,因此有利益上的冲突。The committee hasn't yet voted on the matter.委员会仍未就此事进行投票表决。They managed to push the idea of expanding through the committee.他们设法让委员会通过了扩展规划。The committee was evenly divided.委员会的两种意见势力相当。I've handed over my place on the committee.我已让出了在委员会的职位。The committee takes decisions by majority vote.委员会是以多数票作出决定的。The committee voted to limit tax refunds for corporations involved in leveraged buyouts.委员会投票决定限制参与杠杆收购的企业的退税额度。I attended the meeting in my capacity as chairman of the safety committee.我是以安全委员会主席的身份参加这次会议的。He called for the committee to stop dreaming and return to reality.他呼吁委员会停止幻想,回到现实。No decision can be taken without the sanction of the committee.未经委员会的许可,不得作出任何决定。The committee is being urged to address failings in the law.敦促委员会着手处理该法律的缺陷。The mayor convoked a committee to discuss the beautification of the city.市长召集了一次委员会讨论城市的美化。Some committee members still had doubts about the plans.委员会中的一些成员对这些计划仍然存有疑虑。The committee published its diagnosis of the problems affecting urban schools.委员会公布了影响市区学校的问题分析报告。Wheeler took the chair of this sub-committee.惠勒担任小组委员会主席。The chairman also had to contend with divisions among the committee members.主席还要去解决委员会成员之间的不和。If you want to change the way the committee does things, you should stand for election yourself.如果你想改变委员会做事的方式,你应该亲自参加竞选。There was one issue where I parted company with the committee.有一件事情我的看法与委员会的不一致。The members of the committee described Gates as a man of keen intellect.委员会委员把盖茨描述为才智过人。Local businesses are well represented on the committee.委员会中有足够的当地商界代表。A committee has been set up to deal with territorial disputes in the area.为了解决该地区的领土争端,成立了一个委员会。The committee's confrontational style of campaigning has made it unpopular.委员会咄咄逼人的宣传方式使其不受欢迎。It's a typical local authority with cumbersome committee procedures.这是典型的有着各种繁杂委员会程序的地方政府。He paid tribute to the organising committee.他赞扬了组委会。The committee approved the resolution without dissent.委员会一致通过了这项决议案。The secretary circulated the minutes of the previous week's meeting to all committee members.秘书向所有委员会成员分发了上周的会议记录。The committee presented strong arguments against building a new school.委员会摆出了强有力的理由,反对建新学校。All the committee's nominations were approved.该委员会的所有提名均获得批准。A committee will audit the department's performance.一个委员会将对这个部门的业绩进行审核。The committee concluded that the senators had engaged in improper conduct.委员会断定参议员们从事了不正当的活动。He dodged the well-aimed hammerblows of a Senate investigating committee.他躲避参院调查委员会对他正中要害的攻击。He rapped his gavel to call the committee into session.他轻叩小槌,宣告委员会开会。This report led to the establishment of a special committee to investigate the matter.这个报道导致成立了一个特别委员会来调查这件事。Fitzgerald was named to the committee by the chairman.菲茨杰拉德被主席选入该委员会。He served as the college's interim president while the committee searched for a permanent replacement.委员会在寻找正式接替者期间,由他担任学院的临时院长。At the apex of the party was its central committee.该党的最高权力机构是中央委员会。It is thanks to this committee that many new sponsors have come forward.又有许多赞助商找上门来,这要归功于这个委员会。 |