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词汇 某些人
例句 The beach has restricted access. 这个海滩只有某些人可以进入。Some people are a bit sniffy about television.某些人对电视有点嗤之以鼻。Dishes commended by some people may be nauseated by others.某些人赞美的菜肴另一些人吃着也许会恶心。For some, his decision to become a Socialist candidate at Sunday's election was simply a sell-out.某些人来说,他决定以社会党候选人的身份参加星期天的选举简直是一种叛变。For some it was awful, for others, particularly the young, it was the time of their lives.某些人来说,那糟透了;而对其他人,特别是年轻人来说,那是他们无比开心的日子。The onset of winter in northern latitudes can cause seasonal affected disorder, a form of mood disorder, in some individuals.在高纬度地区,冬天到来可能会对某些人造成季节性失调,这是情绪失调的一种。He quickly realized that he was an inconvenient eyewitness.他很快认识到,自己是个目击证人使某些人感到头痛。There is a spirit of defeatism among some members of the party.党内某些人有失败主义情绪。This means big bucks for someone.某些人来说这是一大笔钱。He is not the fool as some make him.他并非某些人所认为的那种蠢人。Police believe the circles in the crops are made by someone playing an elaborate practical joke.警方认为那些麦田怪圈是某些人精心策划的恶作剧。It's a shame that when a few people get caught cheating everyone else gets tarred with the same brush.因为某些人作弊被当场发现其他人也被认为是一路货色,实在令人惋惜。He soon saw he'd have to watch his step with some of these guys.他很快就明白自己得小心,免得惹恼了这帮家伙中的某些人Certain members of the audience may disagree with what I'm about to say.听众中某些人可能会对我要说的话有异议。Some people always seem to be in a hurry.某些人好像总是匆匆忙忙的。You can change your privacy settings so that only certain people can see your posts.你可以修改你的隐私设定,只让某些人看到你的帖子。Jewels symbolize status to some people.珠宝饰物对某些人来说象征着富贵身份。While this is certainly true for some, it is not the case for others.某些人来说当然是这样,对其他人就未必如此。A group of girls set off a chain reaction of hysteria and prejudice when they accuse certain people of witchcraft.一群女孩子指责某些人摆弄巫术,从而引发了一连串过激反应和偏见。The mechanics of playing the piano are easy for some people to acquire.某些人来说,钢琴的弹奏法是容易掌握的。The fine is a lot of money to some people, but to him it's small change.某些人来说,那笔罚款是很大一笔钱,然而对他来说,只是一点小钱而已。For some people soccer has a reputation as a rather namby-pamby sport.某些人来说,足球是一项有点婆婆妈妈的运动。The very attributes that some people have criticized are the ones that make him most successful.某些人所批评的那些品质恰恰是使他最为成功的地方。The article condemns what some say is an unholy alliance between government and media.这篇文章谴责某些人所言是政府和媒体之间的邪恶联盟。




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