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词汇 nerves
例句 The nerves transmit pain.这些神经传导痛觉。Lately he's not done a bloody thing and it's getting on my nerves.近来他没有干任何坏事,这让我心神不定起来。A nice cup of tea will soothe your nerves.一杯好茶能使你镇定下来。Surgeons can inject Botox into the armpit to deaden nerves that control sweating.外科医生可以通过向腋下注入肉毒素的方法来麻痹神经,从而达到抑制排汗的效果。Harry was a bundle of nerves the whole time his wife was in the hospital.妻子住院期间,哈利一直心烦意乱。The uterus is supplied with a rich network of blood vessels and nerves.密布的血管和神经网向子宫输送养料。I never suffer from nerves when I'm speaking in public.我当众讲话从不紧张。Thoracic outlet syndrome can be caused by compression of nerves or blood vessels in the area between the neck and shoulders.胸部出口综合症可能会因颈肩之间的神经或血管受压迫而造成。Her nerves were shot from all the things happening around her.周遭发生的所有事情使得她的神经崩溃了。The song that nerves a nation's heart is in itself a deed.鼓舞民族勇气的歌曲本身就是杰出的成就。My nerves were jangling.我神经紧张。Although a competent teacher, he suffers from nerves when the students behave badly.尽管他是个能干的老师,但是学生表现不好时,他就会很焦虑。He confessed to having been a bundle of nerves.他承认自己一直神经极度紧张。It is now possible to measure the speed of conduction of impulses along individual nerves.现在可以测量脉冲沿单条神经传导的速度。I'm still waiting for my nerves to settle. 我仍在等待我的心情镇定下来。The children's constant screaming jangles my nerves.孩子们没完没了地尖声吵嚷,扰得我十分烦躁。His face and movements rarely betrayed a sign of nerves.他的表情和行为几乎没有流露出紧张的迹象。The nerves are protected by thin sheaths of fatty tissue.神经由薄薄的脂肪鞘保护着。The constant noise set her nerves on edge.噪声不绝于耳,使她心烦意乱。Caring for him while he was so ill has been a great strain on her nerves.照顾重病的他使她心力交瘁。He began to get nerves before the examination.临考之际他开始紧张起来。She made a cup of tea to soothe her nerves.她泡了杯茶让自己放松下来。The child's screams jarred my nerves.那孩子的尖叫声使我心烦。The pressure of performing jangled her nerves.演出的压力使她焦躁不安。Turn the radio off! That music jars on my nerves.把收音机关掉!那音乐使我心烦意乱。His nerves were frayed/fraying.他的神经绷紧了/紧张起来。Other subjects covered included nerves and how to overcome them.所涉及的其他主题包括焦虑及如何克服。After the bomb, my nerves were on edge.轰炸过后,我紧张不安。As they plodded along, his silence began to get on her nerves.两人缓缓地走着,他的沉默令她心烦意乱。Smoking has little value except in helping to calm the nerves.除了能帮助镇定神经外,吸烟没有什么好处。The groom was overcome by nerves before his wedding.这位新郎在婚前极度紧张。He was a bundle of nerves before his speech.演讲之前,他极度焦虑。That car alarm is getting on my nerves.那辆车的报警器让我心烦不已。He looked as though he had been living on his nerves for a long time.他显得长期以来精神紧张。I suffer from nerves.我神经紧张。She had a bad case of the nerves/jitters/butterflies before she gave her report.她在做报告前心里很紧张。I've never suffered from first-night nerves.我从未有过初次登场的紧张。Her nerves were stretched to breaking point.她的神经高度紧张,到了崩溃的边缘。His constant humming is really beginning to get on my nerves.他不停的哼唱真的让我开始觉得心烦意乱。Look, just push off will you. You're getting on my nerves.你滚吧,烦死我了。




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