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词汇 枪声
例句 We heard gunshots just before midnight.快半夜时我们听到了枪声The sound of artillery and machine-gun fire came in gusts.传来一阵阵大炮声和机枪声As we approached Abbeville, the gunfire sounded very close.我们快到阿比维尔时,枪声听上去离我们非常近。We heard the loud/sharp report of a rifle.我们听到一声震耳欲聋/尖锐刺耳的枪声The gunshot stampeded the cattle.枪声使牛群受惊狂奔。Their sleep is regularly disturbed by the sound of gunfire as criminal gangs settle their nightly accounts.他们经常被黑帮每晚火拼的枪声所吵醒。The birds scattered at the sound of the gun.枪声一响鸟群受惊飞散。They covered their ears to mute the sound of the guns.他们捂住耳朵来减弱枪声的干扰。Residents claim they heard gunshots on the night Billy was murdered.居民说他们在比利被杀的那一晚听到了枪声The sound of gunfire panicked the crowd.枪声使人群惊慌失措。The sound of gunfire was coming from somewhere along the road.枪声来自路边的某个地方。The sound of sporadic shooting could still be heard.仍然能够听到零星的枪声She hit the deck when the gunfire started.枪声一响她马上卧倒在地。Shots rang out, and two people were killed.枪声响处两人身亡。Guns were popping in the distance.枪声在远处砰砰作响。He was deafened by the noise from the gun.他被枪声震聋了。The gunshot sound is really a pair of shoes being clapped together.枪声其实是一双鞋拍在一起发出的声音。They heard shooting.他们听到了枪声The source of the gunshots still remains a mystery.枪声从哪里传来仍不清楚。Neighbours heard the sound of rifle fire and alerted the police.邻居们听到了步枪声,就报了警。A single shot rang out.传来一声响亮的枪声A second later the interior of the car reverberated with the report of a gun.一秒钟之后,车厢内部枪声震响。Jim was stopped in his tracks by the sound of a rifle behind him.吉姆听到身后的枪声,一下子怔住了。A sprinter crouched and waited for the gun.一个短跑运动员蹲下等候枪声His instinctive reaction was to duck when he heard the shot, even though he knew it was pointless.听见枪声他本能的反应就是一躲,即使他知道这是不相干的事。Rifle reports could be heard in the distance.听得见远处传来的步枪声She couldn't get to sleep, what with all the shooting and shouting.枪声和喊声此起彼伏,她无法入睡。At the sound of gunfire, the crowd scattered in all directions.枪声一响,人群便四散而逃。The normally tranquil town awoke to the sound of gunfire.枪声惊醒了往常宁静的小镇。Guns were firing and grenades going off all around.枪声大作,手榴弹四处爆炸。The shots sent the crowd fleeing in terror.枪声吓得人群四散而逃。We heard gunshots as we drove through the outskirts of the city.我们驱车穿过城郊时听见了枪声There was the sound of gunfire from all sides.枪声从四面八方传来。The sound of gunfire caused confusion outside the hotel.枪声在旅馆外面引起了骚乱。He had been deafened by prolonged exposure to the noise of the guns firing.长时间听着枪声使他双耳失聪。An occasional gunshot can still be heard, but no-one knows who fires them.仍能听到零星的枪声,但是没有人知道是谁开枪。The gun shot made the monkeys chatter in alarm.枪声使那群猴子惊慌地吱吱乱叫。The sound of gunfire made the crowd scatter in all directions.枪声使人群四散奔逃。The stillness of the fields was broken by the sound of a gunshot.一声枪声打破了田野的寂静。The guns along the Namibia-Angola border were starting to fall silent.纳米比亚和安哥拉边境的枪声开始沉寂下来。




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