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They shot anyone trying to penetrate the area.任何试图强行进入该地区的人都会被他们枪击。I'm a cop – getting shot at goes with the territory.我是个警察 — 遭到枪击是难免的。The man went postal and shot twelve of his colleagues.这个男人变得很疯狂,枪击了他的十二个同事。Graham hit him across the face with the gun.格雷厄姆用枪击打他的脸部。Two innocent bystanders were injured in the shooting.两名无辜的旁观者在枪击中受伤。The civilians panicked when they realized they were under fire.平民们意识到他们遭到枪击时惊慌失措。The shot hurt more than I expected.枪击造成的伤害比我预期的严重。Earlier reports of gunshots have not been confirmed.早前有关枪击的那些报道尚未得到证实。A policeman was gunned down as he left his house this morning.今天早上一名警察在离家时遭到枪击。Everybody ran for safety/shelter when the shooting started.枪击开始时,人们四处奔跑,寻找安全之地/庇护所。Overnight a man died after being shot and wounded yesterday.昨天一名男子遭枪击受伤,于夜间死亡。Earlier reports of gunshots have not been substantiated.早先有关枪击的那些报道尚未得到证实。The cop was shot during a routine traffic stop.这名交警在执行例行路检时遭枪击。Everybody got underneath the tables to escape the gunfire.大家都钻到桌子下面以躲避枪击。She remembers her husband being shot as if it were yesterday.她对丈夫被人枪击的事记忆犹新。The firing continued even while the protestors were fleeing.甚至在抗议者逃离的时候,枪击仍在继续。We heard gunfire in the distance.我们听到远处有枪击声。The shooting happened while the man was trying to evade capture by the security forces.枪击发生时,该名男子正试图躲避安全部队的抓捕。The constable was justified in shooting an escaped criminal in self-defence.警察出于自卫枪击逃犯的行为被判明无罪。The post mortem revealed that the man had been shot in the back.验尸结果显示该男子背部遭枪击。After being fired upon, the thief escaped into a cul-de-sac and was eventually caught by the police.在遭到枪击之后,小偷逃进了一条死胡同而被警察抓住。Her version contradicted the Government's claim that they were shot after being challenged.她的叙述与政府关于他们是在被盘问后遭枪击这一说法相悖。He was shot by a member of a rival gang.他遭到敌对帮派成员的枪击。Eye-witness accounts told of the unprovoked shooting of civilians.目击者讲到平民无故被枪击。Police would not confirm reports of a shooting.警方不会证实关于枪击的报道。Witnesses say the firing was deliberate and sustained.目击者说枪击是蓄意而且持续的。When the shooting started we hauled ass out of there.枪击开始后,我们赶快离开了那里。Fatally shot, he lay in a pool of blood.他遭致命枪击,躺在血泊之中。Newscasts continued to broadcast images of the chaotic minutes after the shooting.新闻节目里继续播放着枪击事件发生后现场一片混乱的画面。She claims she was at a friend's house when the shooting took place.她声称发生枪击时,她在一个朋友家里。He saw the shooting and memorised the number of the assassin's car.他目睹了枪击过程并记住了刺客的车牌号码。We witnessed the shooting at first hand.我们亲眼目睹了枪击。He was gunned down in the street.他在大街上遭到了枪击。Any prisoner who attempts to escape will be shot.任何企图越狱的囚犯都会遭到枪击。Dr Dunn was apparently trying to get away when he was shot.很显然,邓恩博士在遭枪击时正企图逃跑。The young man blew his brains out because of a failed love affair.这个年轻人因为失恋而用枪击爆头部自杀。They were more in danger of having their pockets picked than being shot at.比起遭到枪击,他们被人扒窃的危险更大。Because he refused to play ball with these criminals, he was shot and seriously wounded.因为拒绝与这些犯罪分子同流合污,他遭到枪击,身受重伤。There came a violent report as the lock of the door was shot to pieces.门锁被枪击而碎裂时传来刺耳的巨响。The shooting of an intruder by a farmer has sharply divided popular opinion.公众对一名农民枪击非法闯入者的事件意见分歧。 |