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词汇 极点
例句 It was abundantly stupid of him to say so.他这么说真是愚蠢到了极点My nerves were at the breaking point. = I had just about reached the breaking point.我的神经紧张到了极点I think he was right-down rude.我认为他当时粗鲁无礼到了极点When the hour of the full-dress trial drew near, popular excitement rose to fever pitch.当正式审判的时刻临近时,群众的激动情绪达到了极点Government resources are already strained to the limit.政府资源已紧张到了极点He was terrified to the last degree.他惊吓到了极点It is the height of irresponsibility to make such comments.发表这样的评论真是不负责任到了极点The drive home was appalling.回家时的一路行程不顺到了极点He had been foolish in the extreme.他那时笨到了极点This is daytime television at its most anodyne.这就是不痛不痒到了极点的日间电视节目。He seems to have elevated stupidity to an art form. 他似乎已经蠢到了极点Jill's nerves are stretched to breaking point.吉尔的神经绷紧到了极点Her happiness was consummated when her father took her to Paris.她父亲带她去巴黎,她的幸福达至极点The mood could not have been grimmer.情绪低落到了极点The plants are as dry as tinder after this long hot summer.作物经过这个漫漫炎夏干枯到了极点Ignorance about AIDS is rampant.对艾滋病的无知到了极点He's a very skilled football player but he's as thick as two short planks.他是个技术很好的足球运动员,但是他这人是笨到了极点The meridian is an imaginary line drawn from pole to pole.子午线是从极点极点的一条假想线。He sensed he had reached his boiling point.他感到自己愤怒的情绪已经上升到了极点The government decides to go to war only when public opinion is aroused to the sticking point.政府决定只有待公众舆论被激发至极点时才进行战争。Her misery was made complete when she was separated from her children.她被迫与孩子们分开时痛苦到了极点Tensions between the two groups had reached the breaking point.两群人之间的关系已紧张到了极点The excitement reaches its crescendo when he comes on stage.他走上台时,观众的兴奋程度达到了极点Excitement rose to fever pitch the day before the game.比赛的前一天人们兴奋到了极点




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