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The commentator gabbled out the names of the football players.解说员急促地报出足球运动员们的姓名。She garnered a reputation as an incisive commentator.她被称为敏锐的评论家,名声越来越大。The sport was united in mourning for Maskell, as a player, coach and commentator for most of the century.体育界共同悼念马斯克尔这位大半个世纪以来的球员、教练和评论员。Our commentator will now set the scene in the stadium.本台播音员接下来要介绍体育馆现场的实况。Parcells, the former New York Giants coach, later became a sports commentator on television.纽约巨人队的前教练帕斯尔斯后来成了电视台的体育比赛评论员。 |