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词汇 松开
例句 I released my son's hand, and he ran out onto the playground.松开了儿子的手,他便跑进了游乐场。He loosened/relaxed/lost his grip on the rope.松开了紧握的绳子。He reached for the handbrake and eased it off.他伸手抓住手闸然后慢慢松开With the aid of a screwdriver, loosen the two screws at each end.用螺丝刀松开两头的两个螺丝。To release the brake, pull the lever.松开刹车,得拉动操纵杆。The spring began to uncoil.弹簧开始松开He gently opened the throttle, and the ship began to ease forward.他轻轻松开油门杆,轮船开始缓缓前行。The bolts can only be released with a wrench.这些螺栓只有使用活动扳钳才能松开My shoelace is undone. = My shoelace has come undone.我的鞋带松开了。The boat surged forwards as he slackened the rope.松开缆绳,小船起伏着向前驶去。Slowly his hands relaxed their grip of the bar and he stood on his own.他握住栏杆的双手慢慢松开,接着便不需支撑地站住了。He held my hand very tightly at first but gradually his grip loosened.一开始他紧紧地握着我的手,但后来慢慢地松开了。His jaw/fists clenched and unclenched as he listened to the speech.他听演讲时牙关咬紧了又松开/拳头握紧了又松开He slowly relinquished his grip on the bar.他慢慢地松开了紧握着横杆的手。He loosened his very strong hold on the ship's rail and glanced fore and aft.松开紧紧抓住护栏的手,往船的两头扫了一眼。He let go of her shoulders and she sank at once to the floor.松开她的肩膀,她顿时倒在地板上。The boat came loose from its moorings and floated out into the harbor.那艘船的缆绳松开了,漂进了海港。Don't forget to release the handbrake.别忘了松开手闸。If there is a malfunction, the gears will automatically disengage.要是有故障,排挡会自动松开When the roller coaster stopped, she relaxed her grip on my hand.过山车停下后,她松开了我的手。I unclipped my carabiner from the rope.我从绳索上松开了登山扣。He took hold of my hand but then released it again quickly.他抓住我的手,但是很快又松开了。Adrian finally relinquished Eva's hand from his grip.最后阿德里安只好松开了握着伊娃的手。He eased the key around and the lock slipped over with a click.他小心地转动钥匙,锁咔嚓一声松开了。Will the patient have to loosen her stays?病人一定得松开胸衣吗?His grip on the handle relaxed.他握着把手的手松开了。She released the handbrake and swung the vehicle out of the yard and onto the road.松开手刹,一个急转弯将汽车开出院子,上了马路。The machine will stop immediately once the lever is released.松开操纵杆,机器就会马上停下来。He untied me from the chair.他把我从椅子上松开He loosened/tightened his hold on the handle.松开/握紧扶手。She loosened the scarf around her throat.松开了脖子上的围巾。Some clamps that had held the device together came undone.用来将装置夹在一起的一些夹子松开了。She held onto the free end of the rope.她抓住了绳索松开的那端。The thread unwound a little more.线又松开了一些。As its rider tried to free it, the horse kicked out.骑手想松开那匹马时,它乱踢乱蹬。We twisted and tugged to get the mussels loose from their shells.我们一转一拉,蚌肉就与壳松开了。Reluctantly, he let go her arm.他不情愿地松开了她的胳膊。He disengaged his arm and put it round her shoulders.松开手臂,搂住了她的肩膀。She relaxed her grip on the door frame.松开了抓住门框的手。To remove the drill bit, loosen the chuck.要卸下钻头,先要松开夹盘。




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